S.FALCONE: Machines that make

Low rate production and prototyping using composites and injection molding

Composite molding is known for being a messy and finicky process. In industry composite manufacturing is typically done in its own facility apart from other fabrication proceses. In order to fabricate a composite material a fiber needs to be fully and evenly wetted by a resin. Environmental contaminants can effect the cured material, and the uncured resin often releases unplesant and even hazardous fumes. Oftentimes the wetting process is done within a mold in order to shape the finished product. Excess material around the edges of the mold needs to be trimmed, and the dust cutting through the resin is also a health concern. Due to the capitol cost associated with composite molding and the craftsmanship necessary to produce a high quality composite material, these processes are often deemed inaccesible for protoyping and low rate production.

Area of investigation:

  1. Reduce capital costs associated with molds
  2. Control pressure and temperature in an accessible/modular fashion; the injection
  3. Curing process
  4. Investigate post processing techniques to improve trimming
  5. Networking the machine - Using the BBB

Working Log

Prior art: How it's done now

DIY Injection molders

Describe injection molding machine... picture... how does this relate to composites? Do I care about composites too...

Contract molding services

Novel work in this field

Materials data