#!/usr/bin/env python # # thtpv4.py # # i0 user-space SLIP, virtual node, and TCP<->UDP THTP bridge # IPv4 version # command line syntax: thtp serial_port serial_speed THTP_port # URL syntax: http://computer_address:THTP_port/i0_node_address # # Neil Gershenfeld # CBA MIT 5/4/09 # # (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009 # Permission granted for experimental and personal use; # license for commercial use available from MIT. # # todo: # address filter translation # flow control # from Tkinter import * from string import * from socket import * from select import * import serial, time, signal TIMEOUT = 10 END = 192 ESC = 219 ESC_END = 220 ESC_ESC = 221 def handler(signum, frame): # # timeout handler # raise IOError, "i0 timeout" def high(number): # # return high byte # return (number >> 8) def low(number): # # return low byte # return (number & 255) def idle(parent): # # idle routine # [read_ready, write_ready, error_ready] = select([server_socket],[],[],0) if (read_ready != []): # # Web server data waiting, read packet # get_Web_packet() elif (ser.inWaiting() != 0): # # i0 serial data waiting, read packet # # set timout alarm # signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) # # try to read packet, otherwise set error message # try: get_i0_packet() except: sindata.set("i0 timeout") # # turn off alarm # signal.alarm(0) # # sleep to reduce OS load # time.sleep(0.001) parent.after_idle(idle,parent) def output(byte): # # output a byte # ser.write(chr(byte)) #time.sleep(.001) # byte spacing (if needed) def get_Web_packet(): # # read and display an incoming Web request # (client_socket, client_address) = server_socket.accept() data = client_socket.recv(1000) # # set source address, port, and data # dot1 = find(client_address[0],".") sinsource1.set(client_address[0][:dot1]) dot2 = find(client_address[0],".",(dot1+1)) sinsource2.set(client_address[0][(dot1+1):dot2]) dot3 = find(client_address[0],".",(dot2+1)) sinsource3.set(client_address[0][(dot2+1):dot3]) sinsource4.set(client_address[0][(dot3+1):]) sinsourceport.set(THTP_port) sindata.set(data) # # check for THTP address in request path # start = find(data,"GET /") end = find(data,"HTTP") if (count(data,".",start,end) == 3): # # found address; parse destination address and port in incoming packet # start = find(data,"GET /") dot1 = find(data,".",start) sindest1.set(data[(start+5):dot1]) dot2 = find(data,".",(dot1+1)) sindest2.set(data[(dot1+1):dot2]) dot3 = find(data,".",(dot2+1)) sindest3.set(data[(dot2+1):dot3]) query = find(data,"?",(dot3+1)) if (query != -1): sindest4.set(data[(dot3+1):query]) else: space = find(data," ",(dot3+1)) sindest4.set(data[(dot3+1):space]) sindestport.set("80") # # set and send outgoing i0 packet # soutsource1.set(sinsource1.get()) soutsource2.set(sinsource2.get()) soutsource3.set(sinsource3.get()) soutsource4.set(sinsource4.get()) soutdest1.set(sindest1.get()) soutdest2.set(sindest2.get()) soutdest3.set(sindest3.get()) soutdest4.set(sindest4.get()) soutdestport.set(sindestport.get()) soutdata.set(data) put_i0_packet() # # set timout alarm # signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(TIMEOUT) # # try to read Web page, otherwise set error message # try: get_i0_packet() except: sindata.set("i0 timeout") # # turn off alarm # signal.alarm(0) # # send Web page # client_socket.send(sindata.get()) client_socket.close() else: # # no i0 address; close socket # client_socket.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n") client_socket.close() def put_i0_packet(): # # send i0 packet # ip_header_size = 20 udp_header_size = 8 outgoing_data_size = 10 # ip_header_size_before_checksum = 10 # ip_header_size_after_checksum = 8 # outgoing_packet_size = ip_header_size + udp_header_size + outgoing_data_size # outgoing_start = RAMSTART # outgoing_source_address = outgoing_start + 12 # outgoing_destination_address = outgoing_start + 16 # outgoing_data = outgoing_start + ip_header_size + udp_header_size # # IP # packet = [] packet.append(0x45) # version = 4 (4 bits), header length = 5 32-bit words (4 bits) packet.append(0) # type of service packet.append(high(ip_header_size + udp_header_size + outgoing_data_size)) # packet length packet.append(low(ip_header_size + udp_header_size + outgoing_data_size)) # packet length packet.append(0) # identification (high byte) packet.append(0) # identification (low byte) packet.append(0) # flag (3 bits), fragment offset (13 bits) (high byte) packet.append(0) # flag (3 bits), fragment offset (13 bits) (low byte) packet.append(255) # time to live packet.append(17) # protocol = 17 for UDP packet.append(0) # header checksum (to be calculated) packet.append(0) # header checksum (to be calculated) packet.append(int(soutsource1.get())) # source address byte 1 packet.append(int(soutsource2.get())) # source address byte 2 packet.append(int(soutsource3.get())) # source address byte 3 packet.append(int(soutsource4.get())) # source address byte 4 packet.append(int(soutdest1.get())) # destination address byte 1 packet.append(int(soutdest2.get())) # destination address byte 2 packet.append(int(soutdest3.get())) # destination address byte 3 packet.append(int(soutdest4.get())) # destination address byte 4 # # UDP # packet.append(high(int(soutsourceport.get()))) # source port packet.append(low(int(soutsourceport.get()))) # source port packet.append(high(int(soutdestport.get()))) # destination port packet.append(low(int(soutdestport.get()))) # destination port packet.append(high(udp_header_size + outgoing_data_size)) # payload length packet.append(low(udp_header_size + outgoing_data_size)) # payload length packet.append(0) # payload checksum (not used) packet.append(0) # payload checksum (not used) # # remove THTP prefix from addresses # data = soutdata.get() address = sindest1.get()+"."+sindest2.get()+"."+sindest3.get()+"."+sindest4.get() data = data.replace(address,"") soutdata.set(data) print "\nput i0 packet:\n" print data # # data # for i in range(len(data)): packet.append(ord(data[i])) # # send the packet with SLIP mapping and framing # output(END) for byte in range(len(packet)): if (packet[byte] == END): output(ESC) output(ESC_END) elif (packet[byte] == ESC): output(ESC) output(ESC_ESC) else: output(packet[byte]) output(END) # # pause for bridge after sending packet # time.sleep(.002) def get_i0_packet(): # # read and display an i0 packet # sindata.set("reading ...") root.update() packet_length_offset = 2 source_address_offset = 12 destination_address_offset = 16 source_port_offset = 20 destination_port_offset = 22 data_offset = 28 # # find starting END # while 1: byte = ord(ser.read()) if (byte == END): # # check whether beginning or end of packet # bute = ord(ser.read()) if (byte == END): # # was end of packet, read next char # byte = ord(ser.read()) break # # read until closing END # packet = [] while 1: # # do SLIP mapping and save byte # if (byte == ESC): byte = ord(ser.read()) if (byte == ESC_END): byte = END elif (byte == ESC_ESC): byte = ESC else: print "error: unknown ESC" break packet.append(byte) # # get next byte # byte = ord(ser.read()) if (byte == END): sinsource1.set(str(packet[source_address_offset+0-1])) sinsource2.set(str(packet[source_address_offset+1-1])) sinsource3.set(str(packet[source_address_offset+2-1])) sinsource4.set(str(packet[source_address_offset+3-1])) sindest1.set(str(packet[destination_address_offset+0-1])) sindest2.set(str(packet[destination_address_offset+1-1])) sindest3.set(str(packet[destination_address_offset+2-1])) sindest4.set(str(packet[destination_address_offset+3-1])) sinsourceport.set(str(256*packet[source_port_offset+0-1]+packet[source_port_offset+1-1])) sindestport.set(str(256*packet[destination_port_offset+0-1]+packet[destination_port_offset+1-1])) packet_length = 256*packet[packet_length_offset+0-1]+packet[packet_length_offset+1-1] data = join(map(chr,packet[(data_offset-1):(data_offset+packet_length)]),sep="") # # add THTP prefix to addresses # data = data.replace("http://",thtp_prefix) print "\nget i0 packet:\n" print data sindata.set(data) return def quit(): # # clean up and quit # server_socket.close() sys.exit() # # get command line arguments # if (len(sys.argv) != 4): print "command line syntax: thtp serial_port serial_speed THTP_port" sys.exit() serial_port = sys.argv[1] serial_speed = int(sys.argv[2]) THTP_port = sys.argv[3] # # set up GUI # root = Tk() root.title('thtpv4.py') # incomingframe = Frame(root) Label(incomingframe,text="incoming packet: ").pack(side="left") incomingframe.pack() # insourceframe = Frame(root) Label(insourceframe,text="source address: ").pack(side="left") sinsource1 = StringVar() winsource1 = Entry(insourceframe, width=3, textvariable=sinsource1) winsource1.pack(side="left") Label(insourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sinsource2 = StringVar() winsource2 = Entry(insourceframe, width=3, textvariable=sinsource2) winsource2.pack(side="left") Label(insourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sinsource3 = StringVar() winsource3 = Entry(insourceframe, width=3, textvariable=sinsource3) winsource3.pack(side="left") Label(insourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sinsource4 = StringVar() winsource4 = Entry(insourceframe, width=3, textvariable=sinsource4) winsource4.pack(side="left") insourceframe.pack() # indestframe = Frame(root) Label(indestframe,text="destination address: ").pack(side="left") sindest1 = StringVar() windest1 = Entry(indestframe, width=3, textvariable=sindest1) windest1.pack(side="left") Label(indestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sindest2 = StringVar() windest2 = Entry(indestframe, width=3, textvariable=sindest2) windest2.pack(side="left") Label(indestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sindest3 = StringVar() windest3 = Entry(indestframe, width=3, textvariable=sindest3) windest3.pack(side="left") Label(indestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") sindest4 = StringVar() windest4 = Entry(indestframe, width=3, textvariable=sindest4) windest4.pack(side="left") indestframe.pack() # inportframe = Frame(root) Label(inportframe,text="source port: ").pack(side="left") sinsourceport = StringVar() winsourceport = Entry(inportframe, width=4, textvariable=sinsourceport) winsourceport.pack(side="left") Label(inportframe,text=" destination port: ").pack(side="left") sindestport = StringVar() windestport = Entry(inportframe, width=4, textvariable=sindestport) windestport.pack(side="left") inportframe.pack() # indataframe = Frame(root) Label(indataframe,text="data: ").pack(side="left") sindata = StringVar() windata = Entry(indataframe, width=30, textvariable=sindata) windata.pack(side="left") indataframe.pack() # webframe = Frame(root) Label(webframe,text="Web server port: "+THTP_port).pack(side="left") webframe.pack() # outgoingframe = Frame(root) Label(outgoingframe,text="\noutgoing packet: ").pack(side="left") outgoingframe.pack() # outsourceframe = Frame(root) Label(outsourceframe,text="source address: ").pack(side="left") soutsource1 = StringVar() soutsource1.set("10") woutsource1 = Entry(outsourceframe, width=3, textvariable=soutsource1) woutsource1.pack(side="left") Label(outsourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutsource2 = StringVar() soutsource2.set("0") woutsource2 = Entry(outsourceframe, width=3, textvariable=soutsource2) woutsource2.pack(side="left") Label(outsourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutsource3 = StringVar() soutsource3.set("0") woutsource3 = Entry(outsourceframe, width=3, textvariable=soutsource3) woutsource3.pack(side="left") Label(outsourceframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutsource4 = StringVar() soutsource4.set("1") woutsource4 = Entry(outsourceframe, width=3, textvariable=soutsource4) woutsource4.pack(side="left") outsourceframe.pack() # outdestframe = Frame(root) Label(outdestframe,text="destination address: ").pack(side="left") soutdest1 = StringVar() soutdest1.set("10") woutdest1 = Entry(outdestframe, width=3, textvariable=soutdest1) woutdest1.pack(side="left") Label(outdestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutdest2 = StringVar() soutdest2.set("0") woutdest2 = Entry(outdestframe, width=3, textvariable=soutdest2) woutdest2.pack(side="left") Label(outdestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutdest3 = StringVar() soutdest3.set("0") woutdest3 = Entry(outdestframe, width=3, textvariable=soutdest3) woutdest3.pack(side="left") Label(outdestframe,text=".").pack(side="left") soutdest4 = StringVar() soutdest4.set("2") woutdest4 = Entry(outdestframe, width=3, textvariable=soutdest4) woutdest4.pack(side="left") outdestframe.pack() # outportframe = Frame(root) Label(outportframe,text="source port: ").pack(side="left") soutsourceport = StringVar() soutsourceport.set("0") woutsourceport = Entry(outportframe, width=4, textvariable=soutsourceport) woutsourceport.pack(side="left") Label(outportframe,text=" destination port: ").pack(side="left") soutdestport = StringVar() soutdestport.set("1002") woutdestport = Entry(outportframe, width=4, textvariable=soutdestport) woutdestport.pack(side="left") outportframe.pack() # outdataframe = Frame(root) Label(outdataframe,text="data: ").pack(side="left") soutdata = StringVar() woutdata = Entry(outdataframe, width=30, textvariable=soutdata) woutdata.pack(side="left") outdataframe.pack() # ioframe = Frame(root) wbtn = Button(ioframe, text="send outgoing packet",command=put_i0_packet) wbtn.pack(side="left") ioframe.pack() # spaceframe = Frame(root) Label(spaceframe,text=" ").pack(side="left") spaceframe.pack() # quitframe = Frame(root) wquit = Button(quitframe, text="quit",command=quit) wquit.pack(side="left") quitframe.pack() # # open serial port # ser = serial.Serial(port=serial_port, baudrate=serial_speed) ser.flushInput() # # open Web server socket # server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.bind(("", int(THTP_port))) server_socket.listen(1) thtp_prefix = "http://" + gethostbyaddr(gethostname())[2][0]\ + ':' + THTP_port + '/' print "THTP prefix: "+thtp_prefix # # start mainloop # root.after(100,idle,root) root.mainloop()