11 May 2009
1. Making the new XY Top using Acrylic
New XY Top

Test Print

Dual Drive Concept by Max

Guides for bearings

New Acrylic Pulley Holder

New Yankers Design

New Yankers Design 2

4 May 2009
1. Making the Syring Holder
New XY Top with Syringe Holder mounted.

New Syringe

Close of of New Syringe

Close up of Syringe 2

Motor that controls the valve for the syringe

April 2009
1. Further
Test and Adjustment for XYZ Cell
Max running XYZ Cell with notebook loaded with Fab@Home Software

Max setting current for Xylotex 3 axis stepper driver

Close up of current setting for Xylotex 3 axis stepper driver

Adjusting belt tension

Using hex key to set belt tension

Top view of shuttle

Another view from the top of the shuttle

Old method of tightening wire (Preferred Method)

Wire tightening using turn buckle

Design for mounting stepper motors.

Yankers design

Motor and Electronics running

Further tests

More Tests

More tests

April 2009
1. Conducted
Tests with XYZ Cell
First Test of XYZ Cell using Fab@Home eelectronics to do FDM.

Second FDM Test.
Notice that the square moves up and right at the second pass.

Third FDM Test. Second pass still moving up and right.
However, drawing a simple square does not introduce any shift.

Tested printing with Epoxy. Same problem with the above tests.

Another Test with Epoxy. Epoxy solidifies well.

Z axis in operation

February 2009
of Bench Test and Plan for XYZ Cell