information in physical systems


Verify that the entropy function satisfies the properties of

1) Continuity Entropy of the information is defined as H(x)=i=1npilog(pi)H(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}p_ilog(p_i) where pip_i is a probability measure which means it can be a number between 0 to 1. and log is a continuous function. So H(x) is a continuous function

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#for a coin toss. Probability of tossing head or tail is p and 1-p 
head_probability = np.linspace(0,1,11)
entropy_of_information = -head_probability*np.log(head_probability)-(1-head_probability)*np.log(1-head_probability)
plt.xlabel("probability p in a coin toss")

4) independence

For H(x,y)=xyp(x,y)log(p(x,y))H(x,y) = - \sum_{x}\sum_{y}p(x,y)log(p(x,y)) applying baye’s rule H(x,y)=xy(x)p(y)log(p(x)p(y))H(x,y) = \sum_{x}\sum_{y}(x)p(y)log(p(x)p(y)) because of the independence. Therefore, xyp(x)p(y)log(p(x))xyp(x)p(y)log(p(y))=xp(x)log(p(x))yp(y)log(p(y))=H(x)+h(y) -\sum_{x}\sum_{y}p(x)p(y)log(p(x)) -\sum_{x}\sum_{y}p(x)p(y)log(p(y)) = -\sum_{x}p(x)log(p(x))-\sum_{y}p(y)log(p(y)) = H(x)+h(y)



Binary channel with a small probability of making an error ϵ\epsilon

(a) Majority voting is when you send a bit repeatedly - so to send a 1 you send 11111 for n times and then pick the majority one received by the output of the channel y

if you send a bit three times 000 - 0 001 - 0 010-0 100-0 by majority voting 011-1 etc for majority voting when the decoded bit is 1 , If we send a 0 three times, the error of the decoded bit will happen either when 2 of the bits are 1 or all three 1 for other cases, majority voting with ensure that the bit is a 0. similarly for 1. so the probability of error is 3(1ϵ)(ϵ)2+ϵ33(1-\epsilon)(\epsilon)^2 +\epsilon^3

(b) voting on top of majority of voting

so we send 0 three times - 011 110 101 111 all are error cases for reading 0 as 1 by majority voting. so we can repeat the same step earlier but now the error probability is ϵ1=3(1ϵ)(ϵ)2+ϵ3\epsilon_1 = 3(1-\epsilon)(\epsilon)^2 +\epsilon^3  if ϵ\epsilon  is small then ϵ1=3ϵ2\epsilon_1 = 3\epsilon^2=3(ϵ)23(\epsilon)^2. so error now is 27ϵ4\epsilon^4

(c) so if we keep doing this N times this becomes a multiple of the ϵ2N\epsilon^{2^N}



(a) going back to earlier class, SNR in db is SNR=10log10(Psignal/Pnoise)SNR = 10log_{10}(P_{signal}/P_{noise}) so 20dB is like 100 of the ration. going back to 4.29, channel capacity = 3300*log_2(1+100)=21971.4 = 21kbits/second

(b) subsitute Gbit/s into 4.29 with 3300 hz and compute SNR in db

(2109)/3300=1+S/N=S/N(2^{10^9})/3300 = 1+S/N = S/N, in dB = 10log10S/N=10log10210910log103300log_{10}S/N = 10log_{10}2^{10^{9}}-10log_{10}3300=10100.3013510^{10}*0.301 -35


Making an unbiased estimator of x0x_0. Since (x1,x2,...xn)(x_1,x_2,...x_n)  are drawn from a guassian distribution with the variance σ2\sigma^2  and means x0.x_0. 

If f(x1,x2...xn)f(x_1,x_2...x_n)  is an unbiased estimator then the E[f(x1,x2...xn)]=E[1ni=1nxi]=1ni=1nE[xi]=1nnx0=x0E[f(x_1,x_2...x_n)] = E[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i] = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}E[x_i] = \frac{1}{n}*nx_0 = x_0

Therefore f(x1,x2,...xn)f(x_1,x_2,...x_n)  is an unbiased estimator of x0x_0

Cramer-Rao lower bound gives information about the minimum variance of the unbiased estimator - which in our case is f(x_1,x_2...x_n) = x0=1ni=1nxix_0 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i

Fisher information from 4.32 is the variance of the score = E[<V2>]E[<V^2>] =E[(ddx0log12πσ2exp(xx0)22σ2)2] E[(\frac{d}{dx_0}log\frac{1}{2*\pi*\sigma^2}exp^{-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2*\sigma^2}})^2] = E[(ddx0(xx0)22σ2)2]=E[(xx0σ2)2]E[(\frac{d}{dx_0}{-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2*\sigma^2}})^2] = E[(\frac{x-x_0}{\sigma^2})^2] =E[(xx0)2]σ4=σ2σ4=1/σ2 \frac{E[(x-x_0)^2]}{\sigma^4} = \frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^4} = 1/\sigma^2 

From 4.34 - n/σ2n/\sigma^2

variance of the estimator = E[f^2]-E[f]^2

= 1/n2(E[(i=1nxi)2]E[i=1nxi]2)1/n^2(E[(\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i)^2]-E[\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i]^2) = n/n^2*variance +covariance terms

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