import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import KDTree dp = 0.05 # lattice pitch dt = 0.001 # time step L = 1 # length W = 0.2 # width K = 10 # stiffness between particles b = 10 # sping damping drag_damping = 1 #drag damping g = np.array([0,-9.8]) #m/s N = int((L // dp) * (W // dp)+1) # print(N) # you may be wondering... floor division returns type float :0 not integer x = np.zeros((N,2)) # [x,y] pairs, N of 'em v = np.zeros((N,2)) u = np.zeros((N,2)) m = 0.1*np.ones(N) r = dp/3*np.ones(N) # lattice = ti.Vector.field(2, float, shape=(int(L/dp),int(W/dp))) # [x,y] pairs, N of 'em # v = ti.Vector.field(2, float, shape=(int(L/dp),int(W/dp))) # velocities # u = ti.Vector.field(2, float, shape=(int(L/dp),int(W/dp))) # input forces # m = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(int(L/dp),int(W/dp))) # masses # r = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(int(L/dp),int(W/dp))) # particle radiuses #now we populate. # for i in range(N): # lattice[i] = [dp*(i%int(L/dp)),dp*(i%int(W/dp))] def initLattice(): # lattice for i in range(N): x[i][0] = dp*(i%int(L/dp)) x[i][1] = W*dp*int(i/int(L/dp)) v[i] = [0,0] def initU(): pass def substep(): for i in range(N): #gravity v[i]+=g*dt #springs tree = KDTree(x) print(tree.query(x[i],k=2)) # for i in range(N): #boundary conditions if x[i][0] == 0: v[i] = [0,0] #step x[i] +=v[i]*dt initLattice() substep() # for i in range(100): # substep() # plt.plot(x[:,0],x[:,1],'ko',markersize=10) #