Final Project Ideas
I am not very sure about what I want my final project to be. I am alsp not sure what's a reasonable project goal for a semester long project. But the top three projects/ideas that i find exciting
- BioFPGA - I did a bunch of VLSI design, advanced Micro-controller design classes, labs for Verilog etc in undergrad. I am interested in the idea that Professor Jacobson discussed in class although I am not sure how the system would be reprogrammable etc.
- I have been fascinated by some of the projects in the Molecular Programming Project at Caltech. I am particularly fascinated with molecular systems that learn like - Neural network computation with DNA strand etc. I am not sure what purpose it would serve but It would be fun to make a DNA robot that can carry out tasks like following a path, picking up molecules - delivering them etc.
- Another topic I find fun - Optogenetics and light activated proteins. (Not sure if I have any concrete ideas here yet! )
Updates -
1) Algorithmic self-assembly of electronic circuits with DNA tiles - 3) Super computers in a test tube - DNA tiles general purpose combinatorial optimization with neural cellular automata - Cutting stock problem/Combinatorial explosion (Basically you input a combinatorial search problem you want to compute with the tiles and then let the ml/cellular system
Algorithmic Self Assembly
I was reading about algorithmic self assembly of complex geometric structures by Erik Winfree's group at caltech -http://www.dna.caltech.edu/DNAresearch_publications.html. They use DNA tiles with sticky ends to achieve self assembly into complex nanoscale structures

DNA tiles are also used to compute things like square roots

Ideas- Assembly growths for computing two things in parallel - Square root(2) + 4. Boolean logic in the growth. Maybe slightly relates to cellular automata system where you have to figure out cell level rules/tiles for simulating the growth for computing any complex algorithm. 3D cellular automata for 3D dna structures.
Xuncai Zhang, Yanfeng Wang, Zhihua Chen, Jin Xu, andGuangzhao Cui.Arithmetic computation using self-assembly of DNA tiles:subtraction and division.Progress in Natural Science, 19(3):377 – 388, 2009.
Logical computation using algorithmic self-assembly of DNA triple-crossover molecules Chengde Mao, Thomas H. LaBean, John H. Reif & Nadrian C. Seeman