Beam Dynamics Laser Cutter Tutorial

Beam Dynamics laser cutter.

Creating a Drawing
1. Create the pattern you are going to cut using a drawing program like CorelDraw
2. Export your drawing as a dxf or in HPGL (.plt) format

The Beam's LaserLink software can import HPGL files (.plt), and Drawing Exchange Format files (.dxf).
If having problems opening dxf file in Laserlink open in Rhino and save as default dxf this should work.
Some have had more success with HPGL files. CorelDraw11 lets you export drawings as .plt files. An HPGL file is also easy to generate programmatically--it's a list of x,y coordinates that are preceded by either Pen Up (PU) or Pen Down (PD) commands. A PU command moves the plotter to the specified point without cutting/drawing and a PD command moves the head while cutting or drawing.

If you must use .dxf files, make sure all of the lines in your drawing are on the same layer and that your drawing contains no groups. Nested groups especially cause all sorts of problems in the LaserLink software.

Laser Link Software
LaserLink software manual
3. Open the LaserLink software
Here's what the software looks like with a 4 layer drawing. (Each layer was imported as a separate HPGL file.)

4. Import your drawing
Go to File/Import and select the appropriate file format
5. Editing your drawing
The LaserLink software is not terribly user friendly. To accomplish any action:
a) left mouse click
b) select the area of the drawing you want to modify
c) left mouse click again
d) right mouse click
e) left mouse click to begin your action (moving, copying, etc.)
6. Save your drawing.
If you don't save your drawing, edits that you made may not be reflected in the toolpaths.

7. Create the toolpaths for your drawing

a) Create a new material entry in the "database table" with the speed and power settings appropriate for your material. Click on the "database table" icon and fill in the entries for your material.

b) Define the "process table", the laser cutter toolpath, for your drawing. Click on the "process table" icon. For each layer in your drawing, select the appropriate material.

c) Create the "process" by clicking the "process" icon or by clicking "process" after you've created the process table. Save the process file to: C:/BeamDynamics/JOBS.

8.Open the Beam HMI software
This is the control interface to the machine. This is what the main window looks like.

9. Home the machine
If you get a motor fault message (which I sometimes get the first time I try to home the machine), turn the machine off with the key and with your hand move the head around a bit in the x and y directions. Turn the machine back on & rehome.
10. Load your job
Click on the Load button and browse to your file.
11. Press start to begin cutting.

Note: the machine and software are pretty buggy, frequently exhibiting inexplicable behavior and errors. I've listed a few of the problems (& solutions) I've encountered below, but the list is by no means exhaustive. When in doubt, home the machine. If that doesn't work, cycle power. If that doesn't work, restart the software.

Problem: I press Start in the Beam HMI software, but nothing happens.
Solution: Home the machine and try again.

Problem: I press Start, and the head moves, but it doesn't cut.
Solution: Make sure the laser cooler is turned on and try again. If that doesn't work...
Home the machine and try again.

Problem: Motor head fault.
Solution: Turn off the machine, manually move the head around with your hands. Turn the machine back on. Home.

Problem: Focusing error/fault.
Solution: Home the machine and try again. If that doesn't work...
Move the Z axis up or down a bit using the controls in Beam HMI (Be careful not to crash the table into the head of the laser!). Home the machine & try again.

Problem: Laser head keeps "crashing" into loose material on the table. This tends to be a problem with soft/light materials that are blown around by the ventilation system.
Solution: To help fix the problem, temporarily remove the bottom cone nozzle from the laser head.