On Dielectric Properties of DNA Molecules
With the abundance of genomic sequence data available nowadays, DNA plays a vital role in any scientific
process in the field of biology, from gene therapy to drug discovery. A multitude of DNA binding
proteins have been identified and their structures have been solved in complex with the DNA sequence
they have preference for to bind. Yet, it remains still very hard to design a protein with engineered
DNA binding preferences even when detailed knowledge of DNA–DNA and DNA–ligand structures can nowadays
be obtained by high-resolution techniques. A good
explanation of this situation, comes from the fact that energetic analysis of protein-DNA complexes,
still remains experimentally and theoretically challenging, because it requires quantification of the
different contributions to such interactions, in particular the electrostatic energy term.
Electrostatic forces have long been recognized to inherently influence the DNA structure and
interactions including DNA bending and folding and DNA–ligand recognition, owing to the high charge
density of the DNA molecule backbone, as well as the polar associative interactions between the
nucleotide bases. Standard dielectric characterization tools, such as impedance spectroscopy and
dielectrophoresis, only yield average values of DNA polarizability in bulk solution that include major
secondary structural contributions and DNA-solvent interfacial effects (shielding). Latest experiments,
calculate a value of 8.5D for the dielectric constant, which differs substantially both from values measured by the aforementioned
techniques as well as from standard theoretical models ( typically assuming DNA to be a low-polarizable
medium with 2-4D).
This work, which is laid in the form of a self-imposed Problem Set, aims to understand frequency
dependance of the dielectric constant of DNA in solutions, in order to inform modern computational and
experimental DNA assays. It starts by diving into the fields of electrostatic polarization and
dielectric relaxation with the hope (hold your breath) to formulate a theoretical model for the
dielectric spectrum of polar materials, like DNA polymers. It continues with the use of state-of-the-art
Molecular Dynamic simulations, in order to test the full-atom available DNA structures against the
theoretical model. Lastly, an experimental validation of the theoretical model is proposed and hopefully
will be soon realized.
Bio-inspired Constraint Optimization
This was my initial idea for a class project, but I had to abandon it, as it comprised mostly of
modeling and programming than physics. in a few words, the project would involve the study of
Evolutionary Algorithms, i.e. search and optimization algorithms inspired by evolution in nature,
focusing on Genetic Algorithms and Gene-Expression Programming. I am planning to explore this project
next year, in context of the class Nature of
Mathematical Modeling.
The motivation behind the study is recent findings in molecular and cell biology, which revealed
the complexity and elegance of the cellular evolutionary mechanisms, departing drastically from the
naive Mendelian view of evolution, i.e. random mutations and natural selection, that the computational
Evolutionary Algorithms were initially based on. Epigenetics, miRNAs, transcription factors and DNA
methylation are but a few of the techniques that a cell uses to regulate the expression of specific
and chromosomal regions based on an environmentally defined fitness function. In this project, I would
explore the implications of those mechanisms to the convergence of evolutionary algorithms in the
of constraint optimization problems.