MAS.862: The Physics of Information Technology
Class Thursdays 1:00-4:00 E14-493
Help Mondays 5:00 E14-493
Neil Gershenfeld

Have you ever wondered: MAS.862 will provide answers to these and many other questions, through a survey of the device mechanisms used in information technologies, and their theoretical foundations. The schedule will be:

2/06: Introduction, Computation, Interactions, Units, and Magnitudes
2/13: Information in Physical Systems
2/20: Noise in Physical Systems
2/27: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
3/06: Circuits, Transmission Lines, and Waveguides
3/13: Antennas
3/20: Optics
3/27: No class (Spring break)
Lensless Imaging
4/03: Semiconductor Materials and Devices
4/10: Optical Materials and Devices
4/17: Magnetic Materials and Devices
4/24: Transducers
5/01: Quantum Computing and Communications
5/08: Measurement and Coding
5/15: Project Development
5/19: Project Presentation

Relevant background for each of these areas will be covered. They will be developed through weekly problem sets, laboratory demonstrations, and analytical, numerical, or experimental semester projects. The course is based on the text The Physics of Information Technology, with draft revisions for a second edition to be provided throughout the semester.

