Hi there. Welcome to my How-To-Make-Almost-Anything class webpage.
I'm a former science documentary television producer, writer, director who decided she wanted
to become a part of the story, rather than just telling other people's stories. To that end, I
changed careers about 3 1/2 years ago (after 18 years in the TV biz) coming to MIT and working
at the Media Lab with Prof. Gershenfeld. I was fortunate to see the personal fabrication movement
in its nascent form, and watched it evolve over the years. Though hired as a manager, I followed
personal fabrication from the Media Lab into the Fab Labs, finding that there was a secret tinkerer
hidden in my psyche. Since that time I have become a passionate fab labber, believing in the
idea and the zeitgeist. I spend a good part of my time now fabricating, spreading the fab gospel,
and running the international fab lab network.
I'm taking this course in order to hone more fab skills. With zero technical background,
I have a lot to learn!
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A younger Lass in production mode.
WEEK 1 Assignment: Final Project Description plus animation
9/26 laser, vinyl cutters
WEEK 2 Assignment: Make a Construction Kit
10/3waterjet, plasma, router, excimer machining
WEEK 3 Assignment: Make a press fit object using two tools and more than one material
10/10 no class: Columbus Day holiday
WEEK 4 Assignment: Detailed Final Project description
10/17 PCB fab, board stuffing
WEEK 5 Assignment: Mill, stuff and program a "hello world" circuit board
10/24 sensors, instrumentation
WEEK 6 Assignment: Design, layout, mill, stuff
and program a new board based on hello world plus echo and blinking.
Make Programming cables.
10/31 3D scanning and printing
WEEK 7 Assignment: Make a fab labbable part of test instrument
that will sense current and will "beep" when
there is current present.
Modify hello5 plus speaker and change
the wave pulse modulation.
11/7 actuation, displays
WEEK 8 Assignment:Make a game that utilizes 1 or 2 of the
hello world boards, making some changes to those boards.
11/14 molding and forming
WEEK 9 Assignment:Fabricate a mold for the injection moulding system,
create an object from the mold. Also try vacuum wrapping an object.
Layout your final project in detail.
11/21 networking and communications
WEEK 10 Assignment:
11/28 materials and joining
WEEK 11 Assignment:
12/5 project prep
WEEK 12 Assignment:
12/12 project prep
WEEK 13 Assignment:
12/19 projects
Contact Info:
Sherry Lassiter
Program Manager
Center for Bits and Atoms
MIT Media Lab
20 Ames Street, E15-404
Cambridge, MA 02139