Micro-Controller Programming

Cables: What you see are 2 working BSD in-circuit programming cables. The 5-pin cable connects on one end to DB-25 Parrellel port and provides the chip with power and transmits code to it using a python command rx.py. The chip is able to recieve power through the cable because it has an built in 5V regulator.

The second cable connects a DB-9 to a 4-pin on the chip which uses it to output information like a "print_string" command into a terminal. I am working on a setup where I can program form home with explanations found on Steve Libman's section from last years class. So far I've had to work from the Lab

What you don't see here are the many failed attempts at making a working cable. This was tedious and some trouble shooting often pointed towards faulty cables- it might be work it to by a programmer.

Here are the assorted chips I created out of excitment and frustration. There are 2 ATtiny45 boards a ATtiny44Echo board and a Dasa board for the game I hoped to design. I am still trying to trouble shoot the ATtiny44. For some reason it cannot communicate with the computer. this is problem of either the soldering or the cables- I hate to say it.