Molding: Horn Performance Prop
I have had some experience with mold making and casting and wanted to try something new. Trying to make this Horn, a prop for a performance my studiomate is working on, I decided it needed a 3 part mold. One for each side and one to form the volume at the base of the Horn. This however did no work because of the perameters of the ShopBot. The three part mold may still be the right approach but the parts are to big to mill completely at once. My next step will be to slice the model and glue it together to form the pieces of the mold. getting a material with the correct initial dimensions will be important here.
Klipspringers: leaving the horn aside for a bit I tried my hand at the modela. I used this image to develop vectors in which the modela milled out- this will probably form the top of some special box eventually. I used the Wax and really like it especially compared to the blue blizzard of the foam.
Here is the finished 3 part mold.
Here is the cast.
Here is the installation.