Make something bigThis was a very busy week in the lab, so I came in on saturday with the goal to mill out my press fit room devider which I have made a model of it on the laser cutterI did not upscale the design proportional. I thought it's sturdy enough if I make the live size room divider with 6mm plywood. The model was made out of 4mm plywood. I wanted to keep the construction very light and easy movable. Unfortunatly, the milling machine got broken for some reason and it couldent move anymore in the y axis. That was a pain, I was sure I will be able to make this thing in one day.
some days later, I found out that the pulley was lose on one side and therefore the force could not betransferred to the other axe. Strange, but I could fix that and the machine is now working fine. Time to start again. back |