13 Network and Communication
Hiro(ya) Tanaka htanaka(a) sfc.keio.ac.jp
13-1 Xbee (Zigbee) Communications.
For my final project, I have tested X-bee communication (between PC and Arduino/Fabduino).And here is my first prototype of "Fab Turtle"- Fab robot that can move in any direction and turn at the same position.
Servo Motor Test with Arduino + Xbee
Arduino (Fabduino) Tx <------------------------> D-in Xbee(Zigbee) Arduino (Fabduino) Rx <------------------------> D-out Xbee(Zigbee)
Xbee requires Vcc (3.3v) and Gnd.
X-CTU is indispensable to activate Xbee. http://www.eleki-jack.com/FC/2010/06/69arduinoxbee4.html