Mission: scan an object + print an object.
Scanning an object
Here we attempt to reconstruct a challenging object using a structured light approach demonstrated by David. After attending his session, I was left with these photos:

Most people chose to scan a face. However, I figured that face scanning already worked, and I wanted to explore new possibilities.
1.Install Processing
2.Install Peasy and run an example
3.Install ControlP5 and run an example
4.Copy the above 3 pictures into Three Phase’s img folder
5.Run threephase.pde
6.Adjust the sliders until you see roughly what you think you captured.
7.Export PLY (it will be in the same folder as threephase.pde)
8.Load the PLY into Meshlab
Here’s a video of the results in Three Phase:
This is the result in Meshlab.
Well, that didn’t turn out great, but at least the pipeline works.
Printing an object
For designing the STL file to be printed, I used OpenSCAD again.
The first example in OpenSCAD shows you how to make the OpenSCAD Logo.

In order to create something worthy of being 3D printed, I added 3 lines of code and modified the existing parameters to create a nested chain of interlocking mesh spheres, carefully checking to make sure that the spheres weren’t intersecting each other.
The new code rotates the sphere 45 degrees in x and y, thins the original sphere from the inside with another sphere to preserve material, and repeats the new sphere in the x direction at a distance that allows a sphere to link four adjacent spheres without any intersections.

I also scanned my office key in the CT scanner, but I probably won’t post that...