Final Project - Modular light for better sleep



Tried two types of shade. -geometric 6 corner shape design on rhino cut plastics sith waterjet or lasercut tried to construct 3D shapes with magnet, but hard to build shapes.
So, decided to change my plan.
-3D vacuumed formed curvy shape

design on rhino
mill foam mold with modela and shopbot
vacuum form
My first trial was with modela.
It took long time to mill out.
Noticed that small mold does not work well in vacuum forming, then
decided to make a larger mold with  shopbot
With white foam.
Milling went super nice, but it
ended up with melting and attaching with HDPE in vacuum forming.
Spent several hours to take it out with the minimum break.
Finally, it was taken off, but the mold surface was broken...
Then, my second trial was another foam(pink).
Glued two layers of foams to obyain 2 inch height and makde them dry up (one night).
Milling another mold and made the surface smooth with glugun and painted geceo on the surface.

Many trials with mistakes, one the way, 2 layers foams were separated... glued again.
Finally relatively satisfying stuffs came up.
I tried several different materials for shade.
Vacuum forming is very hard to contoll the best parameters (timing, heat level).
Tried many times to acquire the sense.


phoyotransistor: adjust LED brightness
accelerometer: monitor sleep
proximinity sensor:control the color of LED

High brightness LED
Sleep behavior files
We didn't have a eagle library file for accelometer, so designed the library for eagle.
Designed boards for accelerometer and phototransistor.
Used copper tape for LED circuits.
Connected all sensors with fabduino


On arduino, I programmed controlling LED color and brightness
with PWM bsaed on time and proximity sensor inputs.
 blue(in the morning)
-> green
-> red (yellow) at night

On Attiny168, we can use PMW on pins with OC.... (see ATmega168).
On those pins, "analogWrite(pin #, 0-255);" works.

Accelerometer data is sent to processing to draw a graph and save sleep
behaviral files.

Using proximity sensor, reaching the sensor out,
we can toggle the LED color (R->G->B->GB).

The final project update (week 12)

Modular Lighting for light therapy


-ordered super bright LEDs, sensors (accelerometer) and memory shape alloy.
-designed modules with Rhino

designed six edges of modules that can connect each other
and develop various shapes
If I have time, I want to vacuum forning to make a 3D modules as well.

-cut them with waterjet and laser cutters
-tried various materials and tested whether materials can bent (paper, plastic, polystyrene, HDPE)

Firstly, I cut plastic and paper with lasercut, but it smelled very badly.
Plastic was too hard to bend and the edge of papers got burned.
So decided to test water jet to cut polystyrene and HDPE.
I reviewed how to use it (Thanks, Tom).
The problem was how to fix flappy thin material.
We put a wood board
The setting missed one part of cutting
We tried again and this time we attach a sheet of polystylene to a wood board with double sided tape.
Fix worked well, but the cut edge was not beautiful.
I ended up going back to the lasercut to cut polystyrene and HDPE and
left them for a while to let all bad smelly air away.

-prototyped shades 

Now I am working on electronics.
This week.

-design circuits for LEDs
-integrate input sensors (accelerometer, phototransistor) with arduino
-programing for LED and input sensors
-visualization for accelerometer and phototransistor
-integrate all system

-make molding for another modules (if time permits)
-vacuum forming (if time permits)

The final project proposal (week 11)

Modular Light

what will it do?

Geometric modular lighting each piece has a LED or a circuit connection of pieces can make various shapes of lighting and make LED light each piece has a photo-transistor and controlls the brightness based on the outer ambient light has clock inside and controlls the brightness based on the outer ambient intensity of light. (if I have time, want to add other sensors e.g. IR or capasitive sensor)

Previous Work

what's been done before?

Learned input/output Made and programmed a board with a phototransistor and LEDs Made Fabduino checking materials -Paper -Accrylic -Polystyrene -High Density Polyethylene(HDPE) thinking about the module shape module: ellipse or a module like module origami

what will you need to develop?

designing a module cutting modules designing circuit vynelcutting circuit mounting components building modules itterate prototyping

what will be done when?

12/5- prototype of shade and circuit and testing 12/12- integrate

what materials and components will be needed?

what will it cost?

-shade --paper --accrylic --polystyrene --high Density Polyethylene(HDPE) -electric components & sensors --white/RGB LED --ATtiny --phototransistor --IR sensor/capasitive sensor --Power Supply -diffuser?

update the final project proposal (week 3)

what's the goal?

Affective flower
To develop lighting system that can change light intensity to control
out biological clock, and change its shape and act as a avatar 
to show sleep-wake behavioral patterns.

what's the prior art?

Lull Flower Lamp Concept
LULL - A lamp that open and closes like a flower

what are the systems and components?


what questions will you need to answer?

Initial Ideas for final Project (Sep 14 2011)

For the final project of this class, I want to make furniture
which we can build with small pieces of snap parts and
 change shape easily or lighting system that
changes its shape and the intensity of light based on
human behaviors.