My final project is well under way. Here are answers to the questions required of us for this week:
- What will it do?
- My project is a pair of internet-connected chess sets so that players can play each other remotely. When a piece is moved on one board, it is automatically replicated on the other board using magnets embedded in the pieces.
- Who's done what beforehand?
- There's this commercial product and this research project which move pieces around but don't do the remote-playing part, and there are another research project that does something similar.
- What materials and components will be required?
- Plywood for the enclosure, acrylic for the board, silicone for the piece molds, drystone for the pieces, spray paint for the black pieces, magnets to embed in the piece, stepper motors and assorted mechanics, a microcontroller, wifi chip, lcd screen, hall-effect sensors, leds, buttons, and more...
- Where will they come from?
- McMaster, Sparkfun, Boulter Plywood, Altec Plastics...
- How much will it cost?
- I don't want to talk about it...
- What parts and systems will be made?
- What processes will be used?
- Laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling (shopbot, waterjet, and modela), molding and casting, sand blasting, electronics design and proudction, embedded programming
- What tasks need to be completed?
- Design and make pieces, design and make board with sensing, design and make enclosure, design and make the machine.
- What questions need to be answered?
- Most of this is done... I just need to figure out how to make the machine actually move the pieces...
- What is the schedule?
- Finish before the final presentation...
- How will it be evaluated?
- If it can sense where pieces are, can send the move via wifi to the other board, and if it can move the piece on the other board to the appropriate place.
- Need to make the pieces, board, enclosure, sensing system, and mechanics...