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Ling-Li Tseng 2014

Making is play.First we imagine, then we create.

Week3- 3D scanning and printing

As we know, 3D printing technology is additive manufacturing processes, in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control. Based on my experience, locate model vertically always cost almost 2 times of printing time than locate model horizontally. Therefore, I am wondering is that possible to print a foldable 3D printing base on thick origami thinking?

  • Technology: 3D Printing
  • Material: ABS
  • Function: Foldable structure
  • Year: 2014

Project 04a
I start from very thin layer of ABS to test material effect, and realize it is bendable. I use U-Print machine in Harvard GSD for this time.
Project 02b
u-Print machine and interface / This is the only machine free to print in GSD now
Project 02c
printing process
Project 02d
The first print is not successful. The joint layer is too thick and easy to break during the folding process.
Project 02e
Therefore, I go back to change the thickness of joint layer, and reshape the edge to the panel.
Project 02f
After few tests, I figure out that the best thickness for joint layer is 0.5mm.
Project 02g
The final printing time is 18 minutes which almost 20% of time if we print the solid version of the folded version.
Project 02h
Project 02h