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Ling-Li Tseng 2014

Making is play.First we imagine, then we create.

Week6- Molding and Casting

Design a 3D mold, machine it, and cast parts from it.
A tessellation of a flat surface is the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. (wiki) I want to use this tessellation concept to create chocolate mold with interlock edge and brick with organic free form shape.

  • Technology: Mold casting / CNC milling /3D printing
  • Material: chocolate / gypsum
  • Function: Food / brick
  • Year: 2014

Project 02e
Tessellation design in Rhino and grasshopper

Project 02e
Milling and casting process

Project 02e
Project 04a
Design in Rhino
Project 02b
Due to the undercut design, I 3D printed the object to cast.
Project 02c
Food safe Silicone rubber - Smooth-Sil 940 - cure time :16 hours
Project 02d