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Ling-Li Tseng 2014

Making is play.First we imagine, then we create.

Week10- Output Device - walking origami table

  • Technology: Laser cutting / arduino motor control
  • Material: paper / servo motor
  • Function: Toy / Robot
  • Year: 2014

Project 02a
I finally finished my fabduino board and burn the Bootloader successfully. Although there are some remain problems, I am very happy that I can use this board to do something.
Project 02b
To continue my origami interest, I decided to make a small walking origami table. I make the origami design in Rhino and laser cut it with simple paper material.
Project 02c
I taped one SG92R Micro servo motor inside my origami table and attached the linkages connected to legs on the servo.
Project 02d
Arduino code
Project 02f