05 Computer-CTRL'd Machining

make something big

In the Mechanism design recitation, we learned about Master modelling in solidworks - process of creating blocks of geometry before exporting parts to detail out within separate parts. So I initially wanted to try the method in solidworks to make a swingset.

Towards the end, I was very sad to decide to abort the operation because the wood we had at the CBA shop would not have yielded a structurally sound swingset...and I had already spent too much time modeling the swingset.

So... I made 2 chairs instead. First I used rhino to model them by arraying curves along a path and then extruding them to make interlocking joints. Finally I milled it out on the Shopbot CNC mill and assembled them.

Two chairs. One for my cat. One for me.


rhino > PathWorks > Shopbot3