This week was to upload a program to a microcontroller, I choose ubuntu as the os
I first started to gather the drivers. avrdude,gcc-avr,avr-libc
sudo apt-get avrdude
sudo apt-get gcc-avr
sudo apt-get avr-libc
I first tried to transfer the hello.ftdi.44.program
program to the chip. One way to confirm your programmer (from previous week) is to lsusb
and look for
the following is the c program, I wrote the comments inside the code. For the make file, It was a slight modification to change the PR0JECT=
variable to the c program file name. Fig2 shows that important pins are led = Pin10 = PA3(ADC3/T0/PCINT3) and button = Pin 6 = PA7(PCINT7/ICP/OC0B/ADC7).
c files blink_led.c and button_led.c
All was fine, except that I needed to add administrative premission to transfer the programs. Other than that, I was glad that both my programmer and hello chip was working. Basic workflow is to go through the steps below
- (sudo)
make -f yoursourcecode.c.make
- (sudo)
make -f yoursourcecode.c.make program-usbtiny-fuses
- (sudo)
make -f yoursourcecode.c.make program-usbtiny
source code
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define blink_delay 10
// pin info
// led = Pin10 = PA3(ADC3/T0/PCINT3)
// button = Pin 6 = PA7(PCINT7/ICP/OC0B/ADC7)
int main(void){
DDRA |= _BV(PA3); // led
// same as DDRA = DDRA | _BV(PA3)
//DDRA in page66 of datasheet
//|= bitwise inclusive OR and assignment operator -> 011 | 001 = 011
//_BV(bit) ... converts a bit number to a byte value,
// you need to include avr/io.h to use
// this means that PA3 is a bit...
// Looping forever
PORTA |= _BV(PA3); // turn on
// PORTA example in page56 of datasheet
PORTA = 0; // turn off
// clears PORTA?
return 1;
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define blink_delay 10
#define bit_mask(x) (1 << (x)) // bit mask, this is similar to _BV(x)??
#define check_bit(x,b) x&b // checks the bit 0?1?
#define set_bit(x,b) x|=b; // sets the bit
#define clear_bit(x,b) x&=~b; // sets the bit oppisite to the bit
#define flip_bit(x,b) x^=b; // flip
// pin info
// led = Pin10 = PA3(ADC3/T0/PCINT3)
#define led_pin 3
// button = Pin 6 = PA7(PCINT7/ICP/OC0B/ADC7)
#define button_pin 7
// first readed Dan's class page
// but he seems to connect the button to a PB pin....
// I looked around other attempts and found this code readable
int main(void){
// sets direction of the led_pin of port A as output
// sets direction of the button_pin of port A as input
// Looping forever
return 1;