Week 6: Computer-controlled machining

I was out of town last week (studio trip to Spain!) so I've fallen behind and had to do something less
ambitious than I would have liked for this week's assignment. I made a super-simple chair inspired by a zillion
similar chairs on Pinterest that took only 4 minutes to mill.

I drew the curves using this simple grid, approximating the angles and dimensions.

I did not use Grasshopper this week, and therefore had to manually pull the pieces apart, edit the intersections
to make the overlapping joints, and I manually offset the interior edges by 0.1". However the virtue of this design is
that you only have to edit once and array.

This is the file I imported to MasterCam to generate the gcode.

I needed only two toolpaths: first to drill the holes at the interior corners of the joints, and second to contour the curves.

The milled pieces. OSB is truly the worst. Of course it is great to test a design in a terrible material, and now I know that
it would work quite nicely with a good hardwood or quality ply.

I assembled the chair without glue and it came together well, but the gaps in the joints are too big. This is not so much an issue
with my choice of offset but because I was too tired and lazy to edit the design after realizing that the stock material was 0.44", not 0.5".
That's just embarassing...

Still, despite the joints being roomier than they should have been, the chair is quite sturdy and can hold my weight easily without glue.
The curves I chose turned out to be really comfortable, and I would be happy to make this again, once the splinters I got from
sitting on unsanded OSB are a distant memory.