Final Project Process | Programmable Music Box
I am making programmable music box. The pins on the drum will be electrically actuated using a solenoid and will strike the keys mechanically. I've made a similar piano staircase system three years ago where a solenoid struck a glockenspiel key. My music box would take a MIDI file, process it into the range of the music box and then change the pins on the drum. The drum will constantly be turning at the tempo of the music so the raised pins will strike the keys.
First some inspiration:
Wintergarten Marble Machine
There is github distro that converts a MIDI file into a laser cut strip piece of paper for the I wanted something that has a Wintergarten Marble Music Machine - it's is simulataneously a piece of art and a piece of music.
Choosing the Musical Mechanism:
Glockenspiel keys are an option I have worked with before. The keys are loud and actuation is relatively simple but don't have the same quality of sound. A music box should sound like a music box.
Using a commercially produced paper music box is another option. As the paper is fed through, the holes catch on small stars which turn and pluck the keys of the music box. This will make an ideal music sound quality may have resonance issues. The actuators will need to be very small to turn each key.
Using a lamellophone is yet another option. Lamellophones are a category of instruments with a series of thin pieces of metal that vibrate when pulled down. This includes instruments like the Mbira and the Kalimba. They have a similar tone quality to a music box if fabricated correctly but will likely require more experimentation the other two options.
Put things here!
There is github distro that converts a MIDI file into a laser cut strip piece of paper for the I wanted something that has a Wintergarten Marble Music Machine - it's is simulataneously a piece of art and a piece of music.