// // // hello.ftdi.44.echomorse.c // // 115200 baud FTDI character echo, with flash string, and morse replay // // set lfuse to 0x5E for 20 MHz xtal // // Addapted from Neil Gershenfeld's hello.ftdi.44.echo.c and Julia Eberts' hello.ftdi.44.blink.c // 12/8/10 // #include #include #include #define output(directions,pin) (directions |= pin) // set port direction for output #define set(port,pin) (port |= pin) // set port pin #define clear(port,pin) (port &= (~pin)) // clear port pin #define pin_test(pins,pin) (pins & pin) // test for port pin #define bit_test(byte,bit) (byte & (1 << bit)) // test for bit set #define bit_delay_time 8.5 // bit delay for 115200 with overhead #define bit_delay() _delay_us(bit_delay_time) // RS232 bit delay #define half_bit_delay() _delay_us(bit_delay_time/2) // RS232 half bit delay #define char_delay() _delay_ms(10) // char delay #define led_dot() _delay_ms(300) // LED dot on #define led_dash() _delay_ms(900) // LED dash on #define led_char() _delay_ms(300) // LED delay between dot or dash #define led_word() _delay_ms(1200) // LED delay between word #define serial_port PORTA #define serial_direction DDRA #define serial_pins PINA #define serial_pin_in (1 << PA0) #define serial_pin_out (1 << PA1) #define led_port PORTA #define led_direction DDRA #define led1_pin (1 << PA6) #define led1_pin (1 << PA10) #define max_buffer 25 void get_char(volatile unsigned char *pins, unsigned char pin, char *rxbyte) { // // read character into rxbyte on pins pin // assumes line driver (inverts bits) // *rxbyte = 0; while (pin_test(*pins,pin)) // // wait for start bit // ; // // delay to middle of first data bit // half_bit_delay(); bit_delay(); // // unrolled loop to read data bits // if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 0); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 0); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 1); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 1); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 2); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 2); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 3); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 3); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 4); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 4); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 5); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 5); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 6); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 6); bit_delay(); if pin_test(*pins,pin) *rxbyte |= (1 << 7); else *rxbyte |= (0 << 7); // // wait for stop bit // bit_delay(); half_bit_delay(); } void put_char(volatile unsigned char *port, unsigned char pin, char txchar) { // // send character in txchar on port pin // assumes line driver (inverts bits) // // start bit // clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); // // unrolled loop to write data bits // if bit_test(txchar,0) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,1) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,2) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,3) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,4) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,5) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,6) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); if bit_test(txchar,7) set(*port,pin); else clear(*port,pin); bit_delay(); // // stop bit // set(*port,pin); bit_delay(); // // char delay // bit_delay(); } void put_string(volatile unsigned char *port, unsigned char pin, char *str) { // // print a null-terminated string // static int index; index = 0; do { put_char(port, pin, str[index]); ++index; } while (str[index] != 0); } void dot() { // // Play a dot on the left light // set(led_port, led1_pin) led_dot() clear(led_port, led1_pin) led_char() } void dash() { // // Play a dash on the right light // set(led_port, led2_pin) led_dash() clear(led_port, led2_pin) led_char() } void morse_code(char txchar) { // // Translate char to morse - my C here is probably not right // if (txchar == 'a' or txchar == 'A') {dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'b' or txchar == 'B') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 'c' or txchar == 'C') {dash(); dot(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 'd' or txchar == 'D') {dash(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 'e' or txchar == 'E') {dot();} if (txchar == 'f' or txchar == 'F') {dot(); dot(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 'g' or txchar == 'G') {dash(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 'h' or txchar == 'H') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 'i' or txchar == 'I') {dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 'j' or txchar == 'J') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == 'k' or txchar == 'K') {dash(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'l' or txchar == 'L') {dot(); dash(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 'm' or txchar == 'M') {dash(); dash();} if (txchar == 'n' or txchar == 'N') {dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 'o' or txchar == 'O') {dash(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == 'p' or txchar == 'P') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 'q' or txchar == 'Q') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'r' or txchar == 'R') {dot(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == 's' or txchar == 'S') {dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == 't' or txchar == 'T') {dash();} if (txchar == 'u' or txchar == 'U') {dot(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'v' or txchar == 'V') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'w' or txchar == 'W') {dot(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == 'x' or txchar == 'X') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == 'y' or txchar == 'Y') {dash(); dot(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == 'z' or txchar == 'Z') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == '1') {dot(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == '2') {dot(); dot(); dash(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == '3') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == '4') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dash();} if (txchar == '5') {dot(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == '6') {dash(); dot(); dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == '7') {dash(); dash(); dot(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == '8') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dot(); dot();} if (txchar == '9') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dot();} if (txchar == '0') {dash(); dash(); dash(); dash(); dash();} if (txchar == ' ') {led_word();} } int main(void) { // // main // static char chr; static char buffer[max_buffer] = {0}; static int index; // // set clock divider to /1 // CLKPR = (1 << CLKPCE); CLKPR = (0 << CLKPS3) | (0 << CLKPS2) | (0 << CLKPS1) | (0 << CLKPS0); // // initialize output pins // set(serial_port, serial_pin_out); output(serial_direction, serial_pin_out); // // initialize LED pin // clear(led_port, led1_pin); output(led_direction, led1_pin); clear(led_port, led2_pin); output(led_direction, led2_pin); clear(led_port, led3_pin); output(led_direction, led3_pin); // // main loop // index = 0; while (1) { get_char(&serial_pins, serial_pin_in, &chr); put_string(&serial_port, serial_pin_out, "hello.ftdi.44.echo.c: you typed \""); buffer[index++] = chr; if (index == (max_buffer-1)) index = 0; put_string(&serial_port, serial_pin_out, buffer); put_char(&serial_port, serial_pin_out, '\"'); put_char(&serial_port, serial_pin_out, 10); // new line morse_code(chr) } }