This week I wrote a program for my input device.

BLE vs. WiFi?: step 1 for this week was deciding what kind of network device I wanted to create. I knew that I didn't want to use direct bussing because the sensors in the water need to be transitting data and since I'm dealing with liquid, direct connection is impractical. Then I started looking into what are the benefits of Bluetooth vs. WiFi connections. At first I started working on Wifi because this website gives a concise breakdown of Bluetooth vs. WiFi and it said WiFi it is easier to send real time data, and also it is constantly looking for a connection instead of having to having to actively connect. However, when I ran things past Rob he said to just use Bluetooth.

I edited Neil's boards to fit what I want to do for the final. Below are my traces.

transmitter trace reciever trace

Here are the boards I made. See final project tracking page for more

completed boards