electronics production


building the FabTinyISP

i was a little intimidated starting the electronics production week, because i had never soldered or programmed a circuit board before. following the Brian tutorial turned out to be fairly straightforward, but i still encountered several debugging problems.

first, i milled the board on the roland mill MDX-20 using the mods cba server. i encountered some problems here with milling the outline because the hydraulic mechanism that moves up and down in the z-direction had reached its limit, so when trying to mill the outline, it would only milled halfway into the board. i solved this problem by setting the mill back to the origin moving the end mill up and then re-screwing the bit back down to increase allowance in the z-direction.

my completed milled board:

then, i began to solder on the components onto the PCB using Brian as a guide. (Brian was really a life saver for this project doing a great job of explaining how to do each step and what each step entailed).

i also learned a soldering technique while in the arch shop, to place the soldering tip onto the pad desired to solder and then bringing the solder closer to create an initial bed of material. then position the component desired to solder on top of the bed, and then reheat the solder below and let the component fall into the puddle and let the solder flow.

my board looked fairly good (in my opinion) after soldering all the components onto the PCB, and then i tried to plug it into the computer. another problem, because i definitely was plugging it in wrong. i had only attached the 2x3 to the Atmel-ICE and not the USB connector, which was honestly my bad.

once i figured that out, i plugged the board in, booted up Linux, downloaded the firmware, edited the Makefile, and was ready to program the PCB. i was able to run the make flash command and it worked, but for some reason the make fuses function did not work!

i was referred to the EECS section office hours for further assistance, which was truly, very helpful and i was able to solve my issue with some patience and slight debugging.

at the electrical engineering shop, the TA actually walked me through a different process than the one the arch shop showed me to program the PCB. he recommended i use my own Mac laptop and an additional PCB board to program my PCB.

at first, we were having some problems again with the computer recognizing the USBtiny device, but with some toggling, switching from one USB port to another, and more toggling, we were able to get the make flash to work.

and the make fuses!

i checked to make sure the USBtiny was recognizable on another computer as well.

then, i blew the reset fuse

and then removed the solder from the jumper to break the connection, creating my very own ISP programmer!!