<style> body,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-family: "Courier", sans-serif} .w3-bar-block .w3-bar-item {padding:20px} </style> ##Jordan Tappa: <a href="About_Me.html">About Me</a> ## Week 1: <a href="Week_Zero.html">Project Planning</a> ## Week 2: <a href="Week_Two.html">Computer-Controlled Cutting</a> ## Week 3: <a href="Week_Three.html">Electronics Production</a> ## Week 4: <a href="Week_Four.html">3D Scanning and Printing</a> ## Week 5: <a href="Week_Five.html">Electronics Design</a> ## Week 6: <a href="Week_Six.html">Computer-Controlled Machining</a> ## Week 7: <a href="Week_Seven.html">Embedded Programming</a> ## Week 8: <a href="Week_Eight.html">Molding and Casting</a> ## Week 9: <a href="Week_Nine.html">Input Devices</a> ## Week 10: <a href="Week_Ten.html">Output Devices</a> ## Week 11: <a href="Week_Eleven.html">Networking/Communication</a> ## Week 12: <a href="Week_Twelve.html">Machine Design</a> ## Week 13: <a href="Week_Thirteen.html">Interface Application</a> ## Week 14: <a href="Week_Wild.html">Wildcard</a> ## Final Week: <a href="Week_One.html">Final Project</a>