Laser Cutting

Vinyl Cutting

My idea here was to use the vinyl cutter to create a stencil mask to use in silkscreen printing. I write a script (checked in here) that converts images to halftone SVG's, using circles on a hexagonal grid. Visually, I'm interested in exploring what happens with large halftone circles, which can give weird effects as the viewer moves close and far away from the image.

Ideally, I'd like to complete a series of 5 side by side of this same image Marie Curie.

First use of the vinyl cutter cut all the way through. This caused nasty binding issues, and I had to stop the job. I also got binding in the machine when trying to cut a mask using mylar with no backing.

Force of 80gf seemed to work well for backed vinyl after that. The 30 pixels per halftone image came out nicely, but required some significant weeding.

Silk screen printing turned out well. I really like the process marks that come along with this.