Week 01

General Thoughts and Stuff

Basic Thoughts

This week was all about getting our websites up and running. I definitely fell behind and focused on doing hands on projects instead. I found myself gravitating towards anything that wasn't this site. But, alas, I had to start it. I started in OH to attempt to get my bearings. It helped a bunch and gave me a crawling start.

I honestly wish I could tell you what was happening here.

Website Decisions

I have skipped ahead and started my final project page and my shenanighan's page. I know it was out of order, but I had to start somewhere.

I got a little too fixated on format and line breaks, but that's okay.

I did a bunch of back and forth and refreshing to ensure that my page looked decent.

Eventually, I got something that looked a little like this.

I am learning new skills which is fantastic. I jumped right in with the parametric stuff and originally thought I was going to make a hat box. But, you can find more about this in Week 02.

I couldn't just leave this page without a dog picture, now could I?