week twelve

interfaces and application programming

I tried to use PyQT and worked through this tutorial I found online. I got a window with clickable buttons to pop up and could change the aesthetics of the window. However, after looking through this page explaining serial connection through PyQT, I still didn't really understand how the two communicate/how I could get my board to talk to the interface I created in PyQT and vice versa.


installing PyQT


serial port stuff in PyQT?

The final project took my priority, so I decided to leave this for another day ;P Upon a recommendation, when I picked this week up later, I also switched gears and decided to use Processing instead of pursuing PyQT.

Processing is an open-source graphical library and IDE that allows you to make interfaces pretty easily. According to Wikipedia, the Processing language and IDE were apparently precursor to Arduino? I had never heard of Processing before this week, but the Processing software is super similar to Arduino IDE, which made it pretty easy to use and understand.

I used this super handy Processing tutorial during this process. It's good at laying out how communication happens between Serial on both the Arduino IDE and Processing sides.

Bringing back the week four milk jug board for the purposes of this week. This board already had a button and an led, so I decided to have button pushes change the color of the window (Arduino side->Processing side) and right/left mouse clicks turn the led on my board ON/OFF (Processing side->Arduino side).

Here's what I understand about how it works:


Arduino code

videos: Arduino side button


Processing code