import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from PIL import Image # Define constants for program # Radial stepper is connected to Z # Linear stepper is connected to Y FEED_RATE = 900 Z_STEP = 0.3 MAX_COLOR = 255.0 # black NUM_RAD_STEPS = 471 # steps in a full rotation for stepper motor with F FEED_RATE Z Z_STEP PHYS_RADIUS = 138 # radius of canvas in mm LIN_STEP = 0.6 # step size for linear oscillation LIN_RES = 8 # how many different sized oscillations you can make SAMPLING_RADIUS = 1 # look at all the neighboring pixels within SAMPLING_RADIUS when determining oscillation magnitude # Open file for writing f = open("lion.txt", "w") # Import Image and Convert to Grayscale im ='lion.jpg').convert('L') im_radius = min(im.size) / 2 a = np.asarray(im) def polar_to_cart(r, theta): return (r * math.cos(theta), r * math.sin(theta)) def origin_mid_to_origin_ul(x, y): return x + im_radius, -1 * y + im_radius def avg_pix_value(x, y, pix_rad): count = 0 pix_tot = 0 for i in range(-pix_rad, pix_rad + 1, 1): for j in range(-pix_rad, pix_rad + 1, 1): if x + i < im.size[1] and y + j < im.size[0]: pix_tot += a[x + i][y + j] count+=1 return pix_tot / count # Generate Archimedean Spiral Points loops = math.floor(PHYS_RADIUS / (2 * LIN_STEP * LIN_RES)) # in SPIRAL step_size = 2 * math.pi / NUM_RAD_STEPS b = im_radius / (2 * math.pi * loops) # Given that radius of outermost point of spiral = b * 2 * pi * loops max_theta = math.floor(loops * math.pi * 2) # max value for parameter t which generates points spiral_points_xy = [] spiral_points_polar = [] t = 0 while t < max_theta: r = b * t x, y = polar_to_cart(r, t) spiral_points_xy += [(x,y)] spiral_points_polar += [(r, t)] t += step_size # For each point, perturb deviation from spiral to match color intensity of input image max_deviation = im_radius / (2 * loops) final_points_xy = [] final_points_polar = [] num_points = 0 prev_r = 0 for i in range(len(spiral_points_polar)): direction = (-1) ** i # Get point on simple archimedian curve r, theta = spiral_points_polar[i] spi_x, spi_y = polar_to_cart(r, theta) im_x, im_y = origin_mid_to_origin_ul(spi_x, spi_y) im_x, im_y = int(math.floor(im_x)), int(math.floor(im_y)) # Calculate how much to oscillate and produce new point dev = max_deviation * direction * (1 - avg_pix_value(im_x, im_y, SAMPLING_RADIUS) / MAX_COLOR) r = (r + dev) * (PHYS_RADIUS / float(im_radius)) r = round(r * (1.0 / LIN_STEP)) / (1.0 / LIN_STEP) # round r value to nearest multiple of step size # If no need to oscillate, still add baby oscillation so the radial movement doesn't get thrown off if prev_r - r <= 0.2: r += direction * 0.2 # Oscillate in a certain direction y_move = prev_r - r f.write("G91 F900 y%.1f\n" % y_move) # Store point for visualization x, y = polar_to_cart(r, theta) final_points_xy += [(x, y)] final_points_polar += [(r, theta)] # Move one radial step theta += step_size f.write("G91 F900 z0.3\n") # Store point for visualization x, y = polar_to_cart(r, theta) final_points_xy += [(x, y)] final_points_polar += [(r, theta)] # Compute number of points made num_points += 2 # Store previous r prev_r = r print("b: " + str(b)) print("loops: " + str(loops)) print("num_points: " + str(num_points)) print("max_deviation: " + str(max_deviation)) # Plot spiral image xs = [p[0] for p in final_points_xy] ys = [p[1] for p in final_points_xy] plt.plot(xs, ys)