HTM(a)A Arch Section Group Work

3D Printing

The group assignment was: test the design rules for your 3D printer(s).

We used the Sindoh 3DWOX machines in the archshop to print the different test files. For the tests of printing with supports, we made the mistake of not printing both the clearance and overhang items without supports - which obviously resulted in failed parts. Once the supports were removed both items came out well. For the clearance test we found that 0.4 or higher works best.

The unsupported overhang object of different lengths did not fair too well even at short lenghts. Signs of deformation were there thoughout irrespective of overhang lenght.

As for the rest of the tests: angle, bridging, wall thickness, dimensions, anisotropy, surface finish and infill - they all performed relatively well.

This is the anisotropy sample. The orientation it was printed would mean that it would be stronger along the axis parallel to table and weaker in the axis perpendicular to the table. If we wanted to test it, we could perform a uniaxial tensile test to confirm, but we didn't.

Finally, this is the piece to measure overhang. We can see that anything 10 degrees or greater will print. However, the cleanest bottom of overhang was from 50 degrees and above.