import cv2 import os import glob import re import numpy as np start = '/home/pi/Desktop/' end = '.jpg' scaler = 25.5 #109.2/4 because of downsampling from 4000 to only 500 to keep image size managable on the pi :( x = 1000 y = 752 img_dir = "/home/pi/Desktop" # Enter Directory of all images data_path = os.path.join(img_dir,'*g') files = glob.glob(data_path) # These are our file locations cords = [] # These are our coordinats in the same order for i in files: result = (i.split(start))[1].split(end)[0] cords.append(result) print(files) print(cords) blank = cv2.imread('/home/pi/Desktop/hidingPhotos/blank.jpg') i = 0 while i