This week we explore vinyl cutting and laser cutting.
Made a Cardboard Gauge first
cut 2 of this.
Seems 4.0mm to 4.0mm is the best fit.
Cardboard orientation matters when cutting small parts!
I want to make a flower lamp shade with different shape configurations
Finished the design! selflock cage in the center, holding 8 piece of blades.
Assembly will be tricky, need to keep all parts loose at a certain step :D
Using ML logo cut outs for star effect duh.
Assembly! Step by step
3. Put them together like this just for now.
add a renforcement back bone to the blade
9. This step is tricky!
10. Every part has to be hanging loose.
11. This is actually the first fixed piece.
12. Pushing them together,creating a lock between inside and outside ring.
13. Take a little break.
14. Take another one.
15. Turn it over.
16. The second in/out lock
17. In position!
18.Finally little pins hold everything together.
19. 8 of them!
20. Done!
21. Form 1
22. Form 1 from underneath
23. Form 2
24. Form 2 from underneath
25. Form 3, and it moves in wind :)
Too loaded this week to do Vinyl this week,
but i did a project before with Zund cutter.
Aiweiwei Banner
End of today :)