This week we explore 3D Scan and 3D Print.
Printing an anti-Scan object
Goal: Print a knot inside a body that creates Line-of-Sight issue for 3D scanner
Step by Step
1. make a base surface
2. make an intersection surface
3. get the intersection curve, and mirror + flip to make a knot
4. Sweep cut with a triangle inside a solid body
5. Chamfer the diamond! No overhangs in a knot.
6. PRINT! Direct on platform to avoid support arms ruinning the finish. 6h with Form3 (Clear resin)
7. Overnight, done! Looks great, though translucent. For glass like finish, future polish needed or resurface with resin then cure.
Scanning an anti-Print object
Goal: Scan an object without 3D printable substitution. How about a real BANANA?
Using an Artec3D Leo scanner ($25,800)
Step by step
1. Choose a banana
2. Use a little stand to minimize future clean up work
3. Cutoff unnecessary point clouds, Autopilot the optimization, fill the holes and reconstruct the texture.
Export stl and obj+mtl+jpg
Using Maya to combine obj+mtl+jpg to .FBX
4.Make a space banana for Zoom via NDI
End of today :)