
Project 8- Embedded Programming

This week I programmed the board made last week to do something


Class Assignment:

Things I took away from this week

The ~Process~

  1. Reading a datasheet
  2. The first part of this week's assignment was to read the datasheet of a microcontroller.Here is a block diagram of the microcontroller from the datasheet. This microcontroller has all of the functionality that I would need for my final project. It has more than enough pins and
  3. Communicating with my board
  4. This week's assignment was so program the board to do something. The first thing I needed to do was get the board to properly communicate with the computer. I watched Zach's tutorial but still ended up having some trouble getting them to talk to each other. The first problem I encountered was adding the Megacore library to Arduino. To do this, i had to to to preferences and add the url link for the library. It was also helpful to add verbose outputs for later steps (you can also do this in preferences)

    I took the blink code from the website for a different microcontroller and adapted it for the microcontroller that I was using, the ATTiny 1614. i had a few little bugs to tweak and then compiled it successfully. The next step was a bit trickier. I had to program the microcontroller. This went well at first, but for the last step I ran into some issues. Whenever I tried running the pyudi.py script from the terminal, I kept getting a "permission denied" error. At first, I thought this was because of a known issue my computer has with Arduino. But as it turns out, it came from a problem with Windows. Apparently, windows has issues with python3. To fix this, we had to disable the Microsoft store version of python 3. Shoutout to stack overflow for always coming in clutch.

  5. Coding
  6. Once they were properly communicating, I programmed the board to blink with my modified blink code. I then tried programming the board to blink when a button was pushed.It worked! Here is the code that was used: