Mengqiao Zhao / How to Make (almost) Anything

3D Scanning and Printing / Teddy Bear's Bracelet

This week, for the 3d printing object, I used a sindoh printer to make a bracelet for my teddy bear. For the 3d scanning project, I made a fake of my previous wood model by using a Einscan-SP 3D Scanner.

How to make it?

1. 3d Print Bracelet

a. Model it in rhino and export it as stl file.

b. Generate the gcode model for printing.

c. Print it.

d. Remove the support materials.

2. 3d Scanning and Printing

a. Scan the object in two directions.

b. Merge the scaning models.

c. Print it.

Group Project

We tested the the rules for sindoh printer in architecture shop. Also, I got a lot of help from my teammates for preparing the scanning machine. Thank you :)

hw 4