Computer-controlled machining notes October 13, 2021 Notes from random generator sites: can use 0ohm resistor to jump or just use wire as jumpers. This week's assignment: make something big we will get plywood make a bookcase, computer stand, sketch machines: shopbot is the workhorse this week. arch shop has onsrud, bigger/stiffer than shopbot. this would be more useful for like long jobs--a more substantial machine. other machines listed for comparison. materials: rigid foam insulation: used to insulate building. we can use to make large molds for large paths. also good for architectural detailing Plywood: mdf: medium density fiberboard. fibers in a binder. machines smoothly because it has no grain. used for highway billboard signs. negative: HEAVY, has bad tension. binders can outgas. stiffness = how fast, tolerances can get, etc goal to do project without fasteners, but can be used if wanted cutting air and test cuts.