Aastha @ HTMAA


These pages are a digital scrapbook where I add notes and pictures from my fabrication journey with HTMAA
Making is fun but learning is funner

Nothing really happens



Aastha is a biomechanical engineer with the conformable decoders at the Media Labs.

She likes to work on small, flexible, on-body sensors that can increase self-awareness of the body and mind.



Aastha earned her bachelors in Mechanical Engineering at BITS-Pilani, Goa (India) during which time she completed her undergraduate thesis in the design and characterization of structural joints with hybrid lightweight materials at Technische Universität - Braunschweig (Germany).

She then explored materials, design and engineering of surgical implants and biomedical devices (with a focus on prosthetics) during her Masters in Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Post-graduation, she pursued a career in R&D at a medical device consultancy in the Greater Boston Area - leading projects in design, experimentation and benchtop validation of extracorporeal fluid circuits, automated injection pens and RF cauterization devices.

Hex Jelly



I explored Grasshopper to create attractor-guided asymmetric patterns. They came out looking rather fishy (literally) so I took a dive (not literally) into exploring piscine textures and patterns. My muse: The Jellyfish. Process flow like so: Preliminary sketch + Trigonometry 101 for angle calculations --> Fusion 360 for parametric CAD --> Algorithmic pattern modelling on Grasshopper --> Putting out fires on the laser cutter --> Joint design and testing --> HEX JELLY IN THE NIGHT.

Mr Jack Daniel

Fascination with generative patterning (It might have had something to do with listening to Breezeblocks on repeat)

I started out exploring patterns and grids to create flexible structures.

I created a parametrised base geometry (basic shapes (rect, hexagons, kites) with input parameters (length, angle, pattern spacing) from the user ) in Fusion 360. Marvelled at how a simple geometry could transform a stiff disobedient piece of cardboard into a gracefully bending entity. (Pictured) But patterning on Fusion was involved and time-consuming, so I started looking for a more powerful tool for generative design. Took a weekend retreat with Grasshopper.

Chuppy The Dog Chuppy The Dog

Algorithmic modelling on Grasshopper

Nobody warned me I was signing up for a math lesson with a tool intended for the artist community

There were a few wonderful tutorials and resources that I leaned on to get acquainted with the interface and operations. Finally started creating gradated patterns using 'attractors' (WIP pictured). These are 'anchor points' in your geometry that create a local centre of influence or attraction on your pattern. In my case, I used 'Minimum Distance from Curve' criteria to sway my patterns one way or another. Slightly differing curves yielded boldly different patterns. 'Twas effortfless.

Chuppy The Dog
They turned out looking rather fishy.

I got a little self-indulgent with the patterns and created 5-6 different panels using cirles, ellipses, rectangles, waves as the pattern element. And yes they started to take on a rather bio-material aesthetic when I laid them side-by-side (cellular cheerleader-effect?) and I started to get a discintly piscine vibe from the whole thing.

Chuppy The Dog

Enter Hex Jelly

Now what?

Well I had all these hex panels with fishy patterns, some nice slip-joint ideas and an impulse of 3-dimensionality. What to make? A jellyfish ofcourse. You can hardly blame me. The resemblance is uncanny. So I used my newfound kerf-compensated joint creation powers to whip up a frame and aseembly pieces, and voila.

Chuppy The Dog

Turns out not many people shared my vision. The finished product apparently looks more like the library at UCSD, I was told. Or a certain building in New York. But I'm faithful to my devotion to all things oceanic so Hex Jelly in the Night it is.

Hex Jelly

Atmel SAM D11C Board


This week I indulged in some passive learning while milling a PCB board on the Roland SRM-20. It's a cooperative little machine that goes about it's business after a brisk conversation with mods. Churns away and creates beautifully clean PCBs that emerge from a cloak of furry, fairy dust.

Mr Jack Daniel

Mods is a simple and robust interface that performs the neccessary and sufficient operations to make your circuit board png comprehensible to the printer.

We used a 1/32" end mill for the traces and a 1/64" end mill for the cutting.

We printed a test piece to gain confidence in the minimum trace width and gap width one can mill with the machine. These cute tuning forks in this case are used to tune thickness. I then milled the Amtel SAM D11C board that we will be using as a USB serial programmer for future projects. NOTE: I turned my back on the machine while it was milling and at the end of the procees I got: nothing. The end mill had lifted up as I tightened the screw and lost contact with the board. Be sure to hold the end-mill down while you tighten it into place.

Chuppy The Dog

I then stuffed it with 2x 0-ohm resistors, a 3.3V voltage regulator, a capacitor and header pins for external connections.

Soldering was initially angst-inspriting and turned gradually therapeutic as I went through the components. The large soldering tips do surprisingly well on the smallest of parts. NOTE: The soldering braid is not an infinite sink. Do move on/trim off parts that have been already used. Otherwise you'll get pats of solder onto your traces as you drag/press the braid around. Also, I heard this scandalous rumour about the the copper traces at the edge of the board. Apaprently they fry your computer if you don't chip them off. Is that true? I don't think I'll wait to find out during programming week. I was soon tacking down components fuss-free, flux-free. My board is now ready for his first day at programmer's kindergarten.


LUSCYD (from LUCY in the Sky with Diamonds)


Some drugs have healthy, stimulating effects that help one reflect, imagine and grow and I believe these sensory and cerebral experiences should be made accessible to the wider community.
My plan is to subtly measure a simple biosignal such as heart rate during the experience and provide a log of the same to the individual after the experience so they can retrospectively analyse it.

Sequence of rotating backgrounds

LucySD LucySD LucySD

A brief description of the concept and experience


LucySD will be some sort of dark room umberella/canopy with a rotating reel of beautiful and calming paintings and backgrounds, and ambient music. An individual can prop their phone up in the holster and overlay a reel of memories (using iPhone memories mirrored/projected onto a block of translucent glass) on the rotating backgrounds and 'watch the show' and use the time to imagine, reflect, reminisce.
They can then view a log of their heartrate during the experience and map back to the instances where they may have experienced increased/lowered heartrate and use the insights howsoever they may please.


Can-do CAD


I wanted to create a mushroom-shaped caonpy to keep with the theme of the project. After getting sidetracked by vintage posters of forest mushrooms, I drew my head back to think of the ergonomics of the experience and decided that a canopy opening upwards would provide a good vieweing/projecting angle. The 'milk-mushroom' was the best fit and I got started on my biomimicry on Fusion 360.
I created an assembly for a quick sanity check and then imported .dxf files of each sketch to use for my ShopBot toolpaths.
I created the 3D shape in 3 parts - top ring, bottom ring, and 4 spines to connect the two in the z-axis and create a truncated cone frame.
I added cuts to both my rings to reduce the material and make the structure lighter without compromising the structural integrity too much.
NOTE: I had lots of splines. Sometimes .dxf doesn't import splines well, so use a 'Splines to Polyline' tool to import the dxf from fusion with all the curves intact. Here's a link to the tool I used.

LucySD LucySD

Whats the story morning glory


I also had to create a form for my pulse sensor. Keeping things au naturel, I decided to make a flower.
The challenge was to keep the design:
- Modular (to quickly replace the IR LEDs/phototransisitors in case of electronic mishaps)
- Multi-colored
- Fit snug on the fingertip
- Slightly compliant to accomodate different finger sizes
- Have holes for the legs of the phototransistor to be immediately accessible for soldering onto the board as close as possible to the OpAmp. Increasing the lenght of this connection makes the sensor signal very susceptible to noise.
I create a cut on the bottom of the finger sleeve to allow the part to flex outwards with a natural elastic tendency to press inwards onto the finger.
The bud (finger sleeve) then fits into a larger flower with holes for routing wires/legs of the LEDS.


Manifesting the outer canopy facade


I set up my dxf files on VCarve and ran 2 Shopbot jobs:
- One on a $17 piece of underlayment wood from Home Depot
- The final one on a nice slab of birch that Tom L very graciously donated
- I kept my Fusion drawing modular to quickly change thicknesses and adjust the height offsets for the 2 different pieces of wood.
NOTE: Always always add tabs, even with bulky parts.
I then spray painted my wooden pieces in the ventialation hood. There they lay like cool kids against a graffiti wall.
I then assembled them together. I got a good snug fit on the spines, and the structure was stable and light. If the video doesn't work, click here

LucySD LucySD

Manifesting the PPG Sensor


I wanted to 3D print my parts with no supports in order to keep the final outcome nice and smooth.
I ran into a few failed prints because the bud was too small with a very small base area so I printed several of them close by with brims to improve the stability and contact area for the first layer.
I printed the flowers in a different color and snap fit the 2 together through the stem.
I then added the LEDs/phototransistors and routed the legs through the holes in the flower.

LucySD LucySD

OpAmp Module


I put my opamp module on a small board that could nest close to the phototransistor.
This board would draw power from and talk back to one of the analog pins on my SAMD21 microcontroller Dev Kit board.
On the software side, I implemented a few signal processing steps/software filters to extract the ultrasubtle heart-rate signal which typically lies in the range of 1-3 Hz:
- Good ol' averaging with N=50 samples to get rid of some noise
- A high pass filter to pick up only frequencies > 0.5Hz
- A chain of low pass filters to get rid of frequencies > 8 Hz
The alpha/RC calculations can be found in my .ino Script

LucySD LucySD

Revolving reel


I created the inner revolving reel with cardbboard and paper to keep the part as light as possible
I lasercut the rings and spines, and used stiff card paper to create the darkwindow panels with cut-outs for my images.
I then selected a set of near and dear images of small and big perspectives and moments in human culture and civilization and printed them on transclucent paper.
I had to spend a lot of time pampering the printer to get it to print on tracing paper with a suitable amount of ink and without getting it stuck in the transfer tray but it is possible despite all the discouragement on internet prinitng forums.


Motor and Coupler


To get my reel to revovle, I selected a Nema 17 stepper motor and drove it at 12V with a current limit of 1A.
This terse little instructable got me everything I needed in terms of connections, Arduino libraries, speed control and microstepping.
I then fabriacted my own coupler to fit onto the shaft. I gave it some holes to accept 16G wire from the wire frame on my revolving reel and 2 thru-holes for 6x32" set screws to grip the shaft
I then tapped threads manurally using a fractional tap - PLA is a nice soft and unproblematic candidate for thread tapping.


Assembly time


I started piecing the parts together and the physical prototypes fit together rather obdediently.
On the electronics side I blew up a fair share of op amps and LEDs but finally got the sensor working beautifully on my SAMD21.
I crumpled pieces of workspace lay-down paper that lives on a roll in the machine shop to create a humbly priced but nice texture for the wing panels of my mushroom chandelier.
The thing finally stood there nice and proud, with the motor humming along happily. And it's D-Day!




Making something really small (soldering week) is hard. Making something big (this week, machining) is also hard. Everything is hard. Except the OSB board we used this week to machine our parts. This week I made a changing/divider screen for my room using OSB boards on the ShopBot CNC Milling Machine. The idea was to style it like the Rajasthani 'jarokhas' - exquisitely carved 1-way windows from which women could look out upon the courtyard without being spotted.


Modelled on Fusion


This might have made the Rajasthani artisans cringe, but I drew up in freehand one side of the profile for the board and mirrored it to create some semblance of symmetry. I played about with the height/width proportionality of the board to ensure it would not be too hard to balance on the stands.
I created some vents and a large through-square-panel on the bottom of the board where I could add my designed panels.

Just a note - when you're exporting your sketch as a dxf from Fusion, make sure that the sketch is on the top plane. V-Carve (and most other vector graphics tools) project your CAD from the top plane. If it's on the front plane, you'll only get a line in your VCarve workspace. Alternatively, you can right click on the sketch and select 'Export to DXF'. This operation is indifferent to the plane you're sketching in.

Mr Jack Daniel

Nesting parts and stands on board

We were given 8'x4' boards to machine on, so I imported dxf profiles of my CAD to V-Carve to play around with placement.

V-Carve is a nice tool that links the ShopBot proccesses to your design. The UI was friendly and I used the following operations:
- Open dxf profile in V-Carve
- Select all using rectangular selection and go to 'Tools' and select 'Join Vectors'
- Scale, move transform, replicate to create and nest as many pieces as you need for your design
- Select 'Toolpaths' on the extreme right corner and pause to think about how you can optimise your cutting paths across the boards.
- First machine out any rasters, notches, lips that will only cut partly into the board. You can do this using the 'Pocket' toolpath and set the max depth to your choice. I used a max depth of 6mm for a board that was 13 mm thick.
- Finally, use the 2D Panel Cut toolpath to cut out your parts. Set the max depth to about 2mm more than the actual thickness of the board.
- For tool depth on each pass, the general rule is to set a pass depth equal to or less than the diamater of your tool (0.25" or 6 mm in my case)

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel



Once all my parts were ready, I used the Orbital sanding tool to smoothen out the itchy wonky back of my OBS. I had to almmost sit on it to hold it down straight on the wooden surface but it was worth the effort and it created a smooth, un-chafing surface within a few minutes. I used a file to get into the smaller cuts and notches. I then joined my 3 panels together using gate hinges. Zach made the very useful suggestion of getting specifically gate-hinges for the OBS material for it's wide and short geometry, as it allows us to drill in attach into the meat of the OBS material, farther in from the edge, and avoid chances of splintering or detachment. I attached the hinges alternatively on the front and back side of the centre board, to allow a nice zig-zag placement of my 3-panel divider. I then lasercut some arabesque panels to add as ornamental fill-ins for the sqaure cuts on my main panels.

Mr Jack Daniel

I then tested the board propped up on some stands to get it to the right height for some meaningful coverage during un-dressing action.

Voila! With a little more sanding, polishing and love, my divider will be ready for my room!


Electra and the Embedded Magic


Whew, we're finally here. The moment I've been waiting for. At the hot, happy brink of software and hardware. Watching embedded magic make things happen in the real world. And how?


Embedded Programming Starter Pack

Here's what you need to feed your bits of code to the microcontroller

The process-chain is like so:
-Your newly born microcontroller (I used ATSAMD21E18A ARM Cortex)
-A programmer to connect the uC to the computer on start-up (I used Atmel ICE)
-A command-line interface on your computer that allows you to talk to the Atmel ICE (I used EDBG)
-A bootloader - a mini program (think of it as the uC's receptionist - checks for new programs/instructuions every morning when the uC wakes up) (I used Trinket M0)
-An IDE to build and write actual programs for the uC to execute (I used Arduino)

Mr Jack Daniel

Running EDBG

The higher forces prepared several tutorials on installing and running EDBG, so I'll just add a link here. Once I loaded the trinketM0 bootloader, I could simply interface with my board through Arduino.

Link: https://mtm.cba.mit.edu/2021/2021-10_microcontroller-primer/edbg/
A few notes:
-Be sure to add the '-I' before specifying your file path to the hidapi libraries. '-I' tells the navigator to include all files within that directory.
- EDBG is fussy about which functions you can club together in the command line. For example, -p and -v (-progam, -verify) can be happily clubbes as -pv, but this doesn't work for all or any of the functions.
- If you want to check if your EDBG install has been successful, and that your uC is indeed alive and awake, simply plug it in and out over USB and check the 'Tools>Ports' option on Arduino to see if your board is being identified over /usbmodem101 and the likes.
- After you upload your arduino program, you might get a desktop notification asking you to 'Eject USB Drive before unplugging', as if you've accidentally disconnected your board while uploading. Ignore this and plough ahead, your install has most likely been successful.

Mr Jack Daniel

Heavy as LED


Even though everything seemed to have worked correctly so far, my LED refused to light up. I tried:
- Changing the state of my button pin to INPUT_PULLUP (suggestion courtsey of Ido Calmam), which basically plays the part of having a pull-up resisitor hooked up to 3.3V on the input signal side of the button.
- Switching the direction of your LED. The head of the 'T'-symbol on your LED should face the + side. An easy way to rmember is to just convert the 'T' to a baby 't', with now the '+' (cross) going toward the + (anode).

Button = front lobe of my left-side brain


The diamond on Electra's crown is finally glistening!


Silver-Snitch for Quidditch Non-Champions


This week we did some good old school molding and casting. My goal was to make a hollow part by embedding a sacrificial core into the mold that could be dissolved after casting. I started out trying to make A Silver-Snitch for Quidditch Non-Champions. I felt like a mini blacksmith in my leather overalls and giant gloves, pouring alloy out



I made a very simple model of a snitch.

I didn't have much time, plus, a super exquisite affair just isn't fitting for a non-champion, say what?
I then imported my model to SB Part-Works 3D to set-up the 3D toolpath. I split the model in half using a cutting plane and made a symetrical 2-part mold.
We were skeptical about how the small wavy features (~2mm thickness) at the lower edges of the snitch would turn out, but the toolpath render looked really good.
I started my milling job and it took about ~20ish minutes for the roughing path, and 12 minutes for the finish path.
Since I had a symetric 2-part mold, I had the choice to either mill twice (~35 minutes/run) or make my silicon mold twice (~ 3 hours/run (which includes time for pouring, mixing, panicking, casting, curing)).
The choice was obvious.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel

Silly Silicon Molding


I used 1A:1B OOMOO and mixed both solutions individually before combining and mixing again for 5 minutes.
I had a large quantity of OOMOO, and though the mixture turned a promising shade of blue on the top and sides, after pouring I saw that it wasn't well mixed at the bottom.
After 75 minutes my molds were super sticky but I was still able to peel them out of the wax mould.
Defintely want to put more elbow grease and time into the next batch of OOMOO that I mix, and perhaps even consider making it in 2 bathes with smaller quantities.
I then did a post-cure for 4 hours at 65 degrees C, which made my molds a lot better, smoother and non-sticky. Post-curing is a great fix if you have the time, there is still hope.

Mr Jack Daniel

Bath Bombing


I wanted to do a test first with a smaller part, so I used one of the exisisting turtle molds.
I cut a piece of a bath-bomb for a sacrificial insert. I then sanded it carefully on a very dull file to get it to the right size without fracturing/crumbling.
I put it into the mold and poured the metal, but the difference in densities of the two materials made it incredibly hard to keep in place udner the surface.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel

Clamping in place


I then forecfully clamped the piece within the mold using a U-clamp.
For the snitch, I stuck the bath-bomb like a lollipop on a snitch and cut two openings in the silicon mold to position the sphere in the centre of the mold.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel



After pouring the metal, I let it set for about 1 hour before demolding.
I was scared the U-clamp might not come off easily, but it snapped right off the bottom surface of the mold cleanly.
One of my bath bombs actually rose to the surface of the turtle to give him a cool party-turtle vibe. I'm going to use this one as a bath-bomb holder and let them sink to the bottom of the tub for a slow release of scent. :)
The other one I cut and dissolved in water to get a nice empty cavity. I can attach hinges on these to get a secret chamber to put something fun like a note or a ring in the turtles belly!


Pulse Oximeter


This week is input devices - set up some sort of transduction of physical stimulus (pressure, distance, light, etc.) to an electric signal. I chose to work on a pulse oximeter since I will be using it for my final project.


Conceptual Schematic - very meta

But in my case I need this.

I don't fully have a grip on what components I need to operate the sensor, but in the spirit of spiral development I got started on the identifying the the barebones of of circuit. We have:
- ATSAMD21E18A microcontroller
- JTAG 2x5 header to load a bootlader via edbg and Atmel-ICE
- 5V to 3.3 V regulator
- Reset Button
- LED (always helpful to have one onboard for debugging)
- Resistors for pull-ups (typically 10k) - Capacitors to stabilize ground and power (typically 1uF works) - MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter
- 1.8V supply (5V to 1.8V or 3.3V to 1.8V divider)
The schematic on the left shows crucial connections. LucySD

Mr Jack Daniel

I quickly realised that I wasn't ready to freeze my circuit and confidently layout my final PCB.


I decided to make breakout boards for all the components on which I couldn't easily attach/solder jumpers.
Quickly broke out all my pins to 1xX headers (X = number of useful pins) and routed traces to the edges.
I milled and soldered them as shown alongside.
For the pulseoximeter, I used the reflow technique bu first tinning the pads, carefully placing the sensor on board, and then heating gently with heatgun at 230 degrees C. Caution: Check the breadboard you have in-house to make sure they have as many consecutive pins as on your breakout boards so you can actually stick the part on to the breaboard without having to use jumpers for each connection.

Mr Jack Daniel

A little more sophistication.


Breadboards have a notorious reputation with good EE engineers and I received several raised eyebrows from trusted sources for my pure bread-board prototyping approach.
So I decided to put the MC staples on single board and breakout the pins to attach peripherals in Development Kit fashion.
The potential for symmetry with the 4x8 MC pins was inviting, so I made my board in the shape of a locket that I intend to wear around.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel

Presenting Trinket AS


After a few hours of patient milling, soldering and riveting, I had myself nice Trinket AS to attach peripherals to.
Ofcourse it wasn't that easy. Here is a short documentation on my suffering:
- Make sure your rivet size is big enough to get the rivet through and small enough catch the flange of the rivet.
- For Eagle users: mods is temperamental and won't resolve the legs of your microcontroller on a fairly complex circuit even if it has in the past. Fight fire with fire. Here are some absurd fixes:
* Changing the diameter of your trace tool AS WELL AS outline tool (from say 0.0156" to 0.0145" for mill and 0.0312" to 0.031" for outline)
* Changing the DPI from 2000 dpi to 1999 dpi or 1998 dpi.
* Making sure the traces leading to the pin come in exactly head-on to the pin, no slinking around the sides or staggering slightly from centre.
* Using a different CAD footprint with THINNER leg traces or LARGER gaps between the legs.
- MAke 3 separate files for traces, vias and outline and mill in 3 steps with outline being last.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel



After my board was ready, I spent a good amount of time poking and prodding the pins and pads to ensure I had continuity between the required pins and the right logic levels at the requisite locations.
I had lots of floating GND problems, so I added a bunch of flux and solder on the backside of my board at the rivets to ensure good contact with the copper. Because the back is just a vast sea of copper, is acts a heat sink and you have to hold your soldering iron in place for a while (5-10s) to ensure the solder mmelts and flows correctly.
I kept getting the following error on EDBG, and we were pretty certain it was a hardware problem.
"Debugger: ATMEL Atmel-ICE CMSIS-DAP J41800007177 1.0 (SJ)
Clock frequency: 16.0 MHz
Error: invalid response during transfer (count = 0/3, status = 7)
" I stuck my board under a microscope and looked at all the pins 1 by 1, finally realised that my MC grounds were connected to eachother but not to the USB ground.
Added a quick jumper and solved the issue. My eyes were finally graced with the much sought after message from the EDBG terminal.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel

MAX30102 has MIN 30102 problems


So I have my board and a wonderful Arduino library that supportes the MAX30102 BUT nobody said that the breakout board for the MAX30102 already has a ton of functionality built in.
And here I am with my naked little barely reflowed MAX30102 sensor on breakout pins.
This sensor needs a very fussy lean diet of 1.8V in on the data power lines and 3.3V in for the LED lines.
I will now proceed to build my own breakout board, wherein the first step is to add an opamp that can shift the logic levels on the outcoming SDA/SCL pins from 1.8V to 3.3V or 5V.
I also used a generic voltage regulator (VR) with 2 resistors (1k and 2k ) to tune the voltage on the adjust pin of the VR and get a V-out of 1.8V.
David from CBA gave me a logic shifter as well, as I'm ready to start on hooking up the pulse oximeter.

Mr Jack Daniel Mr Jack Daniel

I finally shifted to making my own IR sensor using an infrared LED, a phototransistor and an opamp.


I put my opamp module on a small board that could nest close to the phototransistor.
This board would draw power from and talk back to one of the analog pins on my SAMD21 microcontroller Dev Kit board.
On the software side, I implemented a few signal processing steps/software filters to extract the ultrasubtle heart-rate signal which typically lies in the range of 1-3 Hz:
- Good ol' averaging with N=50 samples to get rid of some noise
- A high pass filter to pick up only frequencies > 0.5Hz
- A chain of low pass filters to get rid of frequencies > 8 Hz
The alpha/RC calculations can be found in my .ino Script
I finally got a nice heart rate signal on my Serial plotter. If the video doesn't work, click here


Squid Ice


Sick of the ice clinking up against your teeth everytime you have a cold drink? This ice-eating squid clings tight to the edge of your glass and keeps your drink cool by keeping ice-cubes safe in it's belly.

Mr Jack Daniel

After my hex-jelly patterns, I opened Grasshopper with the intention of re-creating these patterns on curved surfaces in a jiffy.

Two hours of pouring over Grasshopper pallette and the smirk was wiped clean off my face.

Creating solid structures (or surface with thickness) on Grasshopper requires a completely different mind-set from Fusion/Solidworks. 'Extrudes' work only on lines and curves, creating hollow bodies. You then have to 'Cap' these which then fools the computer into thinking they are solid bodies. There are several ways to create patterns on surfaces with thickness. A few include:
- Creating your pattern on a flat 'sheet' and 'morphing/wrapping' it around the curved body
- Creating 'drill-bits' using capped extrudes that then pierce your target surface to a certain distance
- Subtracting one set of solid bodies from another

- Generating a random cloud of points within a 3D body that can be used to seed a pre-defined pattern (e.g. Vonoroi) and then performing a region intersection I used the second and fourth approach.

Chuppy The Dog Chuppy The Dog

I used curve attractors (line in yellow) to randomize my circular pattern on the surface of the jellyfish


Dave from CBA helped de-bug the process by recommending a textured base-plate on the printer to improve first-layer adhesion. Initially tried tacking the brim down with some tape which helped keep the base in-place, but the textured plate defintely worked better. I also added supports to mny piece to stabilize it as the head of the squid grows dramatically in the radial direction. This means my squid comes out like a fossil embedded in a rock of PLA, but it's better than having no squid at all?

Chuppy The Dog

But the supports were really hard to dig out, and it made my jelly look like he had acne problems. I decided to create a geometry that would print without supoprts.

I finally settled on Mr. Squid Bighead so I could create a large base to improve first-layer adhesion.

I then printed out some curly legs to help Mr. Bighead sit comfortably on the edge of my glass. I kept these modular so I can attach/detach different tentacles based on the type/length of the glass.

Chuppy The Dog

My jelly is now ready to help me with a hassle-free drinking experience.



Princess SAM D21


This week I re-drew, tool-pathed, milled and soldered a PCB. I used Eagle (Fusion 360's electronics design appendage) and chose an ATMEL SAM D21 microcontroller to build around. Each component looked like a little jewel to me, and the copper traces gave the board a golden glow, so I decided to make a tiara shaped affair.

Mr Jack Daniel

Drawing the schematic

Finding the names of components required was an absolute treasure-hunt in flash of videos, written documentation, and people's past blogs

Finally, I had my part list down and squared from the fab library: - 1x ATMEL SAM D21 E18A microcontroller
- 1x 3.3V 1A Voltage Regulator
- 1x JTAG 2x5 Headerpin
- 2x Button
- 1x LED
- 1x Connector 05X2 ARM Debugger
- 2x 10k resistors
- 5x 0k resistors
- 2x 1uF capacitors
- 2x 10uF capacitors
Naming the airwires was SUPER helpful, prevented the schematic from looking, well, worse than a ratsnest.

Chuppy The Dog

After I had the main parts and connections down, I created a board and moved/rotated the components by trial and error until I atleast could see each connection clearly.


A few pointers:
- Install the Fab Design Rule Checker (DRC) BEFORE you start routing the connections. I installed mine half-way through and a lot of my connections had to be re-spaced and re-drawn.
- After you install the right DRC, the software will give you a handy red error flash along the routes that are too close or touching
- This being said, the software is smart. It didn't let me route certain signals too close together, but when I had a 3.3V line diving and emerging through the MC (pictured), it allowed the wire to gently graze another pin because it was also a 3.3V signal.
- I challenged myself to use space as effectively as possible. This also meant I ended up with 5 0k resistor jumps and 6 vias but soldering is therapeutic so I went along with the design

Chuppy The Dog

Once I had my routes and vias ready, I was ready to finish up the aesthetics and export the traces


A few notes on exporting:
- Create your copper pour on the BOTTOM layer
- Create the actual outline of the part on a DIFFERENT layer (NOT bottom) - 20 Dimension was recommended
- Export as 3 separate files: - 1 for the traces and pads on the top layer
- 1 for the vias (this MAY be clubbed with the outline if your via diameters are compatible with the 1/32" end-mill)
- 1 for the outline
- Make sure the figure is WHITE TRACES on a BLACK BACKGROUND if you're importing as png. If you're importing as svg you can invert it in mods.
- Make sure the outline is completely filled in with WHITE
- The vias should be WHITE HOLES on a BLACK background
- Be sure to remove all text/dimensions from the board. You can do this by typing "SET Option.ViaLength 0".
Especially from the centre of the vias. Otherwise the machine will think it a trace and they won't drill through.

Chuppy The Dog

Milling the board


I had to mill in 3 steps as given above, because my vias were too small to be lumped with the outline which would be using the 1/32" endmill. I tried to be a smart-alec and mill the outline with a 1/64" endmill and reduce the depth on each pass (changed it to 0.012" from 0.024", so it would cut the total depth (0.072") in 6 steps instead of 3 and waste more of my time but save me the trouble of changing the endmill), but the end-mill snapped and got beautifully wedged in my board. I then had to redraw the outline slightly farther out so the 1/32" endmill wouldnt bump-into and break on the 1/64" endmill that lives in my board. Didn't particularly fancy having them both live in my board rent-free.

Chuppy The Dog

Soldering the board

The board finally emerged from the fairy dust, and I gathered and soldered my parts onto it.

I used the heat-gun to remove unruly parts but be sure to point the heatgun away from the MC and the edges of the board otherwise you may fry the tiny thing and also introduce boated heat-bumps below the copper. I placed the LED at the tip of the tiara in the stead of a diamond. For all the effort and the challenges I had to overcome, this princess is still dissatisfied until the board is programmed and her diamond comes a-glow.


NEMA 17 Stepper Motor


For output devices I hooked up a simple stepper motor to get a canopy to revovle at a constant speed.

Mr Jack Daniel


Instructables to the rescue!

This terse little instructable got me everything I needed in terms of connections, Arduino libraries, speed control and microstepping.
I used a DRV2885 driver and set the potentiometer to about 1/4th the way up to control the current in the circuit. I additionally set a current limit of 1A on my 12V power supply. This was sufficient for rotating my ~2kg canopy with the load in the axis of the motor shaft.
My motor ran 200 steps/rev and this resolution was sufficient to get a fairly smooth and slow motion for my application. I set a speed of 50 in the units of the arduino library. I then fabriacted my own coupler to fit onto the shaft. I gave it some holes to accept 16G wire from the wire frame on my revolving reel and 2 thru-holes for 6x32" set screws to grip the shaft
I then tapped threads manurally using a fractional tap - PLA is a nice soft and unproblematic candidate for thread tapping.

Voila! The canopy moves just fine!


If the video doesn't work, click here




I created an interface to log and dislpay heartrate for my LUSCYD experience (see final project).

Mr Jack Daniel


I used a python compatible UI library to generate my user interface

This created a simple interactive window using Python (HR_UI.py - attached) where the person inputs their name and presses a button to start their LUSCYD log.
The data is then logged over PySerial through an OS call to another script called HRoverSerial.py (script attached). HRoverSerial logs data for N samples (30 seconds in this case) and calculates the fft of the datasets every 5 seconds.

Mr Jack Daniel

Output the LUSCYD log


I then used a Spectral color library to generate a scatter plot of the heart rate (color gradient centred at average heartrate). A button press on the UI window then outputs the heart rate log for the user to analyse and reflect upon.