October 06, 2021 | IV. 3D SCANNING AND PRINTING
In this week's 3D printing and scanning assignment, I created a name stamp and a rendering of my boot. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to acclimate myself to Fusion. It is the program that I will ultimately utilize to design my final project's prototype and a skill set I would like to hone.
- I experienced difficulty in my initial experimentations with Fusion. For this reason, I jumped at the opportunity to use the software, once again, for this assignment:
- I watched an online tutorial on how to create a basic 3D object utilizing multiple components.
- I made a name stamp, including my name, stamp plate, and handle. The instructions within the tutorial were clear, well-paced, and easy to follow along.
- I saved my fusion file and exported an STL for printing. I printed my 3D object on the Stratasys J55 printer.
This assignment made me revisit my final project. I feel the project evolves following each lesson. For example, following last week's assignment, I decided that the form of my prototype needs to be revised to accommodate the shape of my circuit programmer.
This assignment made me aware of my design flaws within Fusion. My prototype was composed in one plane. Adding more components for detachable parts of my prototype would improve the design and translation for 3D printing. As a beginner learning digital fabrication, I find each lesson only adds nuance and precision to my prototype.
Using the Leo Scanner, I created a scan of my boot. Initially, I attempted to 3D scan laser-cut objects from the 2nd assignment. However, the scan failed as the device could not register pockets of space within the interior of the object.
As an alternative, I scanned my boot, a solid object with angles and curves. The results were positive. I created a screen capture of my boots rendering in Leo and juxtaposed the image with a photo of my shoes in real-time for context. Although I don't see me utilizing 3D scanning in the final design of my project, I am interested in how this element would inform portraiture in traditional photography. It is a matter that I will undoubtedly explore in a future project.
File Links:
Fusion File: htmaa3dprintingandscanningfusion.f3dIllustrator File: namevector3dprint.svg
3D File #01: stampplate3dprint.stl
3D File #02: handle3dprint.stl
Leo Scan STL File: 3dleoscan.stl