PCB Milling, Soldering, and Programming
Material: FR1 with copper layer Cutting conditions: 4mm/s, 0.14mm cut depth, 3 pixel offset End Mill: 1/64" for traces, 1/32" for outline Design Rules: Minimum trace line 0.05 mil, Minimum space 15.6 mil
JTAG ARM Programmer
I chose to make the ARM programmer using the hello.CMSIS-DAP.10.D11C template provided.
I originally made a test cut, but the cut was not deep enough and ran into another design. After increasing the cut depth by 40um, the traces resolved well, and I was able to mill successfully on the second attempt in a clear area.
Here's the final board after soldering:
Programming the board failed initially after I realized I used the wrong microcontroller. After desoldering with a hot air gun and resoldering the correct component (SAMD11c), the programming worked. I also needed to scrape off some copper to prevent the pins from shorting.
It shows up as a device on my Windows machine!