This is Me!
2nd Yr PhD chemical oceanography student at MIT-WHOI Joint Program
I honestly copy-paste my fab lab application... for now.

I’m Solomon, a second-year PhD student studying chemical oceanography at MIT-WHOI Joint Program. I work with Dr. Matt Long at WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). I am interested in solving biogeochemical processes in coastal ecosystems by advancing instrumentation and technology development. My current projects include designing/characterizing a low-cost underwater spectral irradiance sensor, building an automated incubator to measure pelagic productivity, and modifying a mass spectrometer for quantifying benthic gas fluxes.
In all honesty, I identify as a “backyard mechanic/armchair engineer”. My fabrication experiences mostly come from modifying commercially available sensors/electronics for environmental monitoring, this includes designing and packaging the whole instrument. Environmental sensing, especially in aquatic environments, poses a set of unique challenges due to extreme pressure, temperature, power constrain, the list goes on… In personal time, I like to modify household gadgets and my car with 3D printed parts, microcontrollers, and weird electronics I find on the internet. This class provides a perfect platform for learning various rapid prototyping techniques and basics in design. I am most excited to learn about electronic design, large format machining, and interface programming. I want to make my own microcontroller!