This is my
random notes
Things I got from each week and things I want to do.
gltf and learning three js
using of j55?
class Stuff
-wire, wire gauge and resistence
-button, slide switch, using transtor to disipate power not resistor
-your circuit design should not depend on resistor
-capacitor c = q/v, a AC signal doesn't get thru capacitor.
-bypass capacitor can stor charges, there are polarized or non-polarized capacitor (plates and dielectric)
-oscilators, AC pass thru, DC doesn't
-Diode protects circuits, photo diode is useful
-transistor, using mosfet type transistor, good! N and P mosfet. RDS (resistance between drain and source)
-You can vary mosfet V at gate to modify R, but typically use it as on-off. Pulse switch modulation.
-capacitor+regulator feedback loop. It is important.
-amplifier with resistor ratios (two resistor) (op-amp)
-check wiki house
-look at a shopbot, large format machine
-OSB is very inconsistent in cruve/bend/flex
-do a down-cut shallow pass and then use the up-cut tool. Center-cutting
-Machinery's Handbook (bible): chip load(linear rate of tool/rpm/#of flut)/cut step (depth of pass)
roughly the tool diameter/step-over
-lubricant can get tool getting hot/cold inconsistently
-you can machine things with abbrasive slurry lol
-Trochoial milling is better, fat starting and skinny end for chips.
try ik in blender, the guy used maya
slicer 360, plant stand.
risc processor, processor does not control
processor has a word size, 8-64 bits. We have 32bits and 8bits. Cost of 8 bit processor can be good cost/size wise
oscilator -- measure ow fast the processor can talk to the pin
mechanical processors are cool!
We use AVR that can talk to modern compliler
look at amplifier in atiny1624
ARM family, Microchip makes the real chip but the ARM develops the program.
Octopart for electronics part search.
You program AVR with UPDI
You can use a on-board programmer to program microchip
Arduino is a set of bootloader and a set of tool chains
Look at this website explanation
You need a usb-serial to talk to an AVR board
fast-read and write in arduino (make pin library more efficient)
look at soft robotic toolkit (google)
d3 package for java script, data visual visualization and UI
chech reynolds for fun stuff
molding design, nesting them together to get rid of artifact
lo temp aloy, ceremic, or even glass!
11/10 output week
H bridge let you drive current both way, needs 4 transistors,
big and little capacitor to 1) deal with initial charges 2) smooth noise (small one)
Servo takes angle, a signal with right frequency
optical isolated solid state relay
200um or 100um for bearing tolerence.
11/17 networking
SPI library is a great use for non-volatile momery.
qwiic connector, stemma, i2c connector is getting popoular. Wire library for i2c. Always need
a pull-up resistor for SDA.
ASF from microchip has library.
impedence matching