October 6, 2021

Week 5:
Electronic Design

I made a fetal mistake in Eagles... never mix up your VCC & VDD

Important Data:Ben is the HERO this week

So, there's no better way to start the documentation this week. The small mistake I made in schematics will cause a lot of pain, confusion, and stress down the road.
This is a rather simple design, I used a pull-up resistor and a pin to detect the state of the button and a pin to drive led. The mistake, however, happened early on during the drawing of my schematics. Essentially, I accidentally use VCC for one of the programming header pins while using VDD for the rest of the wires connecting to VDD on the microcontroller. This led to two unexpected artifact in my PCB routing.
1) The capacitor was not connected directly to VDD (it was connected pull-up resistor (1k ohm) and then VDD). SAMD11 was not happy about the lack of power conditiong. The programer board could not detect the correct voltage from the board due to this (it was detecting 1.1-1.3V instead of 3.3V)
2) On top of VDD/VCC confusion, I did not name the VDD on microcontroller as "VDD", this is the exact reason why programmer wasn't happy.
3) The pin that was named VCC just wasn't connected to VDD on the microcontroller. This is the easier fix and was spotted quickly.

The designs evolved from left to right. (Note, all of them have the VCC/VDD defect.) In my first try, I did it without too much thinking and utilized the auto routing function from Eagles. It produced somewhat ok restuls, but has the need for 3 vias. After some thinking, I decided to leave that behind and basically replaced vias with jumper. However, this time, I forget to load the desigh rules first and had very thin traces (6 mil). This, thankfully caught by Anthony, would have failed miserably. For example, I do not have the luxury to sneak two traces under on jumper. The design on the left is what I end up milling and running into troubles during testing stage (flashing bootloaders).

After milling, there were a few things that needed fixing. The first thing I found (right image) was a little trace left behind, connecting my pull-up resistor to another wire. This was fixed with microscope and a utility knife. Moving on, a lot of probing and testing was done before we could come up with this fix. The first obviouse fix was to connect the unconnected pin on programmer header to the VDD on SAMD11. However, the interesting thing was with the capacitor. This took a while for us to figure out. The capacitor is crucial for protecting the microcontroller form power spike and power drop. The educated guess here (thanks to Anthony again), was that every time power drop would reset the microcontroller and therefore sabotage our efforts in flashing bootloader onto the SAMD11.

Finally, the programming is done and this works! However, the simple program I wrote can not deal with the button debouncing issue. It is evident in the push counted. For example, the microcontroller would count about 20 pushes whenever I press the button once. Writing this at 11:47, I might not have time to fix this...

Today I Learned:

1) I need to have better time management (I blame the long weekend). I wanted to try better designs, but debugging took up majority of my time.
2) Do NOT, under any circumstances, mix VCC with VDD. They don't mix well. Always double check your wiring and label to save you some pain down the road.
