Electronics Programming

This week we were tasked with programming our board from Electronics Design week. I stuck with a simple first attempt, getting the LED on my board to blink, and wanted to then simply update the sequence. Many in the class had to go through multiple iterations to program their boards, attempting both OpenOCD and EDBG to successfully bootload. I similarly had to work through some errors, mainly the "Invalid response: error while writing..." message. After some troubleshooting with one of the TAs, we were able to bootload and test the LED.

Now for the bad news. Unfortunately shortly after successfully running the Blink program, the TA helping me accidentally snapped off my SAMD11 while adjusting the connector pins. He felt terrible, as we hadn't managed to capture the successful blinks before this happened. I realized that it was partially on me as well, since the milling was for some reason exceptionally deep on this board, so even though the soldering was substantial, breaking off a component meant all the copper underneath came up, too. Since I can't resolder the SAMD11 without underlying copper and I won't have time to remake the board before class, I have to go without evidence of the blinking this week, but I'll be starting to work on my final board next week, so stay tuned for more (and even better) LED outputs!