Electronics Production


The week’s assignment was to design a printed circuit board (PCB) using in-house tools.


The circuit design files were already provided to us, as the goal of this week was to learn the process for electronic production.

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Prior to milling my board, we first characterized the capabilities of the machine as a group. From this trial, we observed that we are unable to mill paths that are less than 16 mm apart.

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The following production process was pretty straightforward. I had a few failed attempts because the copper board was not taped down properly or the drill bit broke while drilling. Nevertheless, I was able to succesfully mill a PCB!

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After milling the circuit, I soldered the components onto the board. Because I had some prior experience in soldering, the entire process took under an hour. The final result fits nicely in the USB port.

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Finally, I programmed the microcrontroller using the given program and verified that the circuit works!

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