07. November 2022
Input Devices

This week’s assignment was to make a sensor and measure something.
I designed a capacitive touch sensor. Using Eagle, I redesigned the hello.txrx.t1624 board, which uses an ATTINY1624 microcontroller; I also added an LED.
I then routed the paths in a similar fashion to the original board.
After designing my board, I milled it, along with the USB-D11C-serial and serial-UPDI-2 boards so I can connect and program my board with my computer, respectively.
I then stuffed my boards and made my capacitive touch sensor using copper tape.
Initially, I was unable to load the bootloader onto my USB-D11C-serial board, but that was because I was connecting it to the computer with the wrong pins. After getting some help with this, the bootloader was able to upload correctly. Note that I did not upload the regular bootloader, but rather a binary for having the chip behave as a USB to serial.
Finally, I programmed my board with the help of the sample coded provided for a capacitive touch sensor.
When testing my sensor, I put the bubble wrap between the two copper pads and an insulator on top.
The sensor can detect changes in voltage very well!