Week 0: CAD

Final Project Work

For the first week of class, I brainstormed ideas. The main ideas were:

  1. A version of "disaster radio," a lora-based radio that could be set up in remote areas
  2. A "pond" made of LEDs with haptics that made the surface feel like putting your hand into water
  3. A surface that used magnets that could be repositioned and magnet gloves to create different shapes
  4. Glasses that use sensors to see people through walls (alternatively, see them breathing, their heartbeats, etc)

After speaking to someone on the teaching team, I chose #2, as it has the most individual componenets, and therefore room for an individual piece to fail while still having a "final" project at the end.


I used Dalle-2 to "sketch" some versions of what the final pond might look like, iterating until I got the view I wanted.

When I did, I used "outpainting" to draw the rest of the surface.

Then I brought the image into Illustrator to create the full sketch.

I then modeled possible versions of the pond in Fusion 360. I've rarely used CAD software in the past, but was able to assemble and light a possible model.