Wildcard Week
Zund Machine
I'm taking part in the Zund Machine activity during Wildcard week, which involves large-format cutting, creasing, and folding.

I first created the pattern design in Rhinoceros. To cut it with the Zund machine, I split the file into three layers: one with the origami valleys, one with the mountains, and the third with both valleys and mountains. I also added some reference 8mm diameter circles so that the machine can read them when I flip the paper to create the valleys on the mountains, or vice versa. In either case, I need to reflect one of the two layers in the file.

I created a new design in Illustrator with a pattern of colors, so that the look of the origami would change as it was expanded and contracted. I printed it out on the fourth-floor CBA printer, with the same reference circles as before, and I was able to make the required marks on the Zund afterward.